[41] Red Ribbon

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A/N Yes, before you ask, I know it's red STRING, but I decided to make it ribbon 'cause it would make more sense, and it be easier to incorporate naturally! :)

Now lezzzz GO! ;)

Wednesday November 3rd, 2017 (Honestly, I keep loosing track of time so I'm probably gonna start placing the date at the beginning of the chapters)

Areum's POV-
"Minso, what are you doing with my hair?," I questioned my friend.  It was break time after class and I was doodling on my sketch pad while Minso was fiddling with my hair.  Usually if anyone touched my hair, other than a stylist or hairdresser, they'd get their fingers chopped off, but today I felt extra lazy, so I decided to have my friend this one.  "I'm braiding a ribbon into it," she said casually.  ". . . What color is the ribbon?," I asked carefully.  "Red!," my friend chirped happily and finished off the braid with a hairtie.

I turned to face giving her the 'you're kidding me' look. "Please tell you didn't choose because of the whole 'red ribbon of fate' legend that's tied to it," I rolled my eyes. "Mmm. . . Maybe," Minso answered with a giggle. I clicked my tongue, and returned to what I was doing: nothing. "Oh come on, Areum," my friend laughed, "I didn't pick it just for that." "Enlighten me," I muttered. "It looks nice in your hair, AND it makes you look cuter!," Minso chirped. I sighed, "Whatever you say Minso. . ."

~Later that day~

"Woah, what's with the ribbon?," Haknyeon asked as we met up for lunch, "Trying to look cute for me?" "Pft, in your dreams," I scoffed, and the boy laughed. "Right, you must be looking cute for one of the Parks," he teased. "As if I'd feel the need to dress up for those weed-filled Gardens," I retorted. "Whatever you say~," Haknyeon hummed happily.

I sighed, and continue walking up the staircase to the rooftop: the usually location of where I eat with the Parks, Donghyun, Justin, Haknyeon, the Maknae of The Boyz, and, everyone once-in-a-while, Minso! . . . I really need more female friends. . ., but there is the dance team. . . I thought to myself.

Haknyeon opened the door to the roof for me, "Ladies first." "Aw, how sweet," I smiled, "But if it's ladies, shouldn't you go first, Miss?" "Ooh, burn," Hwall chuckled, "By the way, nice ribbon, Areum. It looks nice on you." "Thanks," I sighed, walking through the open door with Haknyeon following.

I plopped myself down next to Donghyun and Sunwoo. "Agreed," Justin nodded, "You should wear one more often, you look cuter with it." "And I wasn't cute before?," I raised an eyebrow as I took a potato chip and bit it (Death Note anyone?). "I said cute-er," Justin emphasized, "Meaning that you were always cute before you had the ribbon in you hair," he smiled brightly. "Oh well. . .," I stuttered over the sudden compliment, "Thanks. . . I guess. . ." Justin chuckled, "No problem, Noona." (Note: Justin irl is actually born in 2002 so he's younger than Areum.)

"Wait," I perked up when I noticed something off, "Where are the Parks?" "So you DID where the ribbon for those two!," Haknyeon cheered in triumph. "1st off: although it's a possibility, I doubt Areum would do that; and second: she has a point- where are those two?," Donghyun stated defending me. I feel like I would be dead with these guys if it weren't for him. . . Brain, remind me to thank him if I make it out of this school year alive!

"They were asked to give these new students a tour of the school," Sunwoo answered nonchalantly, "I don't know how long it will take them though. They were asked right after the bell rang for lunch to start." "Huh, okay," I shrugged, biting into my sandwich. "I wonder what kind of new kids enroll right before midterm exams," Eric pondered out loud. "Maybe they're just touring now, and actually entering classes after winter break (idk how the S.Korea school system works. . .)," I suggested. "Who are the new students anyways?," Haknyeon asked and we all looked over at Donghyun.

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