the prince of vampires kidnapped me

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okay okay yes its been ahwile 2 years?XD well yea so abjebfabe um enjoy srry if i have some spellin mistakes XDD


"Im so glad u seem to agree" she said nervously with that same beautifuly cold smile.I pushed my hair out of my faces breathing in,letting cold air fill my lungs."....Does it look like i agree..?"i said sighing as her smile dissapear.

I know Im over-reacting,but,I dont want something thats mine to touch some one else.I mean.Its mine right?I mean i dont want to seem possessive,but ARGGHHHH.I dont want to share him alright?!I dont want another woman,let alone someone who might be related to him feel his lips.Those beautiful icy cold lips.I want to feel them,i want him to be here and tell me everything will be okay.But he cant,cause hes not here.

"Rose.."Scarelt called out.I looked up at her to see sorrow in her eyes,"I dont trouble you...I just...just want you to be happy.To have what i wasnt able to.But that is your choice.I can wake Daren up.I can make this seem like it never happened.I can make everything dissapear....but." she paused walking up to me,looking at me deeply into me eyes."Is that what you want?"

 Her words hit me like a rock.A big fat huge rock.You know the feeling of when your playing doge ball turn around to talk to you friend turn back around and get hit in the face?Yea like that is exactly what i am feeling just make the ball suppppppper hard.There u go.And change the face to your heart.There.My feelings.Ugh my head hurts.But would I?Would I really just like for this to go away,Yes I would.But the real problem is that i shouldnt.I know i should help.Ugh.Why?Why did I have to go an fall for some stupid dreamy,sexy vampire.Oh yea,cause hes a stupid dreamy ,sexy vampire,duh.Who ouldnt go for him.My mom.Though i cant say she woulndt--wait!What am I thinking?!Focus brain!Focus!Dammit.I hate life.

"no.."I said sighing "I dont wish for this all to dissapear,I want to be with Daren.Tell me what to do." I said knowing that i was deffienatly going to regret this.


okay yes short not so good but hey,im you know,still remebering how to write(?) XDD SORRY IF IT SUCKED SERIOSLY IM SO SORRY XDDD but I really hope ya'll enjoyed it

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2012 ⏰

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