my lifeless short story's

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the light of day: a vampire story short

I was locked away into internal darkness in a world of nothing but dark lingering souls.I was stripped of my pride , and was taken advantage of by the devils evil wishes. he had already killed me. inside and out I was  burned of painfull, writhed,scorching, memories that I had washed down a drain but caused it to flood back up.i hate it here!. I want to die already!.I've let every tear fall to where no more will seep out from my lonely washed up hurts stopp! they cut  my burning flesh using there unholy hands as the devilish wepon.they laughed at me with such evil smiles.such hatred. so much pain. they fed me nothing and left me in a cage where what felt like a human was there disappear into a flesh eating monster.that's what I was. I was a monster! they killed and dad was killed ,they burned my sister and brother.what else was there to take other than my worthless life. they forced me to kill them! it's all my fault! I watched sister and brother get burned after I sucked them dry of there blood.I watched as I tore my parents apart with my teeth.I sat there for days, and days.just kill me! kill me god! take me to my family! for the first time I opened my eyes to see nothing but a blood stained world. but then I blink again and see a light shining bright through my now half tore down cage. everyone is dying a slow painful death just as my family did.I take my first step and I run to skin slowly starts to burn and rott away as the suns rays hit every part of my numb lifeless was the best pain I had ever felt since the begging of everything that was tooken from me by my own hands. I will not exist. I will be forgotten. my family will never cry again. because soon I will be with them.well all cry together as a family for the first the sun hits my face and burns my skin into ashes. one last tear streams down my face. and a smile curls my lip.for the first time.the last thing I could wither our of my mouth before I was now ashes and burnt into the souless ground was,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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