Chapter 1 - Human

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Disclaimer: The only thing I own are my ideas, the characters and Gossip Girl are not mine.

                                           It had always been like this, the three of them, together. From the outside it didn't seem to make much sense to anyone, but if a person spent five minutes with this odd trio they'd understand, and it'd make perfect sense.

Nate Archibald was your typical trust fund baby on the outside. Not only did he inherit millions upon millions of dollars, he also inherited devastatingly good looks. As if his life didn't appear to be easy enough he had a certain charm about him that got him almost whatever he wanted. His life was laid out in concrete plans; it had been since the minute he was born. Prestigious private schools until he graduated and then it was off to an Ivy League school. Over the years his parents had thrown countless parties with the sole purpose of networking him around –professionally and personally. He would placate his parents by pretending to seem interested in the girls that were throwing themselves at him, but would soon find himself bored out of his mind and in a serious need of some distractions.

Midway through a conversation with another blonde whose name he had forgotten the instant it left her lips, he excused himself and quickly slipped out of the room furiously typing a text message as he did.

Code Green. This party makes me want to blow my fucking brains out. See you in five.

He shoved his phone back into the pocket of his tailored pants and dashed toward the safety of his room, quietly shutting and locking the door behind him. When he turned around, he jumped scaring the two people sitting on his bed.

"Jesus. How long have you guys been here?" He asked as he plopped himself down on the couch in his room, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a joint he had assembled earlier.

The tiny brunette rolled her chocolate brown eyes when she saw this before speaking, "We ditched the 'party' like thirty minutes ago. That reminds me…" She turned to face the other body sitting on the bed and held out her hand, "Cough it up, Humphrey."

The boy of eighteen murmured something under his breath as he pressed a bill into her hands and then noticed Nate staring at the two of them with a confused look on his face, which wasn't entirely unusual but he proceeded to explain anyway;

"We placed bets on how long it would take you to escape. She said less than thirty minutes; I said nothing less than forty-five."

"He thinks he knows your party habits better than I do, it's pathetic, actually."

Dan sent a glare Blair's way and she met it by shrugging her shoulders making it obvious that she stood by what she said. A moment later she was staring at Nate, and laughed at the expression on his face, it looked like once of annoyance.

"What's wrong, Nathaniel?" She emphasized his full name, knowing that he hated it, but she was in a playful mood.

"Why didn't you guys tell me you were up here earlier? You know I can barely make it when you two are there, let alone when you leave me stranded by myself."

"Sorry, man. Did you want us to hold your hand or something?" Dan had moved up off the bed and was now standing next to Nate, holding out a lighter for him.

He glared at him and he ignored his mockery, "Shut the fuck up man, just light this thing."

Dan held his hands up in surrender and backed away as a joke, but then stepped forward again to light it. The two boys heard Blair scoff at them. It was no secret that she didn't approve of their "extracurricular activities" as the two of them liked to call them.

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