Colours bloom in the dark of night

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Awsten Knight saw colour.

Geoff Wigington saw shades.

Awsten saw bright colours, colours that made you feel warm and safe.

Geoff saw dark shades that reminded you of the night and the cold.

Otto Wood saw both. He saw his two best friends, blinded by the things they saw. They were so caught up in the world around them they never saw each other.

Awsten's room was a vibrant place full of pictures of flowers and rainbows. His wardrobe consisted of bright sweaters and sparkly shoes. His hair was always bright colours, outgoing and fun.

He was happy but not content. He knew something was missing but he didn't know what. All his life he had only seen colours. When he closed his eyes it was always daytime, and when he reopened them the sun always shone.

Awsten never saw the night. Never saw the stars or the moon. He was oblivious to the fact these things existed. He was born in bright light and never knew any different.

Geoff was the opposite. His room was dark and gloomy. The walls were painted black and posters of rock bands decorated them. His clothes were all black and white or black and grey. Geoff's shoes never lit up and his hair was always brown.

Geoff learnt to live with the dark and became friends with the night. His favourite thing to do was to sit and stare at the stars, telling the moon about his day. He too knew something was missing but he never knew what.

Otto, Geoff and Awsten had been friends all their lives and went to school together. Geoff and Awsten knew each other existed but they had never really seen each other. They could both see Otto but never all of him. Awsten saw half of Otto. He only saw white, the other half of him was missing like it didn't exist.

Geoff could only see half too but he could only see black. The other half of his best friend was invisible.

Otto went on and and to Awsten about Geoff and how amazing he was. Occasionally Otto would point to a certain spot and say that's where Geoff was but all Awsten could see was a bright light and had to look away.

The same went for Geoff. Otto would point to where Awsten allegedly was but Geoff could only see a wall of darkness. There was nothing there.


It was a cold winters day, perfect for Geoff but unfortunate for Awsten. Otto was sick of them not being able to see each other and wanted to help them. He went through the same with his girlfriend, Grace. She was colourless to him and he was invisible to her.

Then the day met the night and they saw each other, really saw each other for the first time.

Otto decided it was time to do the same. He knew they were meant to be.

Otto: meet me at mine at 4pm. Don't be late.

Geoff: ok.

Awsten: see you there.



First to arrive was Awsten, his bright purple hair, bubbly personality and the neon rainbow above his head walked into the garden to sit beside Grace and Otto. "Hey guys!"

"Awsten!" Grace stood up to hug him wrapping both arms, but only one to Awsten, around his neck.

Next came Geoff. He frowned at the scene in front of him. Grace and Otto were having a conversation but they weren't talking to each other. He walked over with his shroud of darkness and sat beside the half of Otto he could see.

"Hey guys, why am I here?"

"Both you and Awsten will see shortly." Grace said, lying down to look up at the sky. Otto lay down too, lacing his fingers through her's. Geoff couldn't see Awsten and Awsten couldn't see Geoff, what was Grace on about?

"Lie down and close your eyes." Grace whispered. "Then when I say, look at the sky."

Both males obliged and settled on the ground, closing their eyes. Five minutes passed.

The sun started to fall and the moon started to rise. For a few moments they stopped and met each other half way.

"Open your eyes."

Geoff opened his eyes.

He saw blue and the light.

Awsten opened his eyes.

He saw black, white and the night.

They both sat up and blinked before turning to each other.

They saw each other.

Awsten saw Geoff's brown hair and his blue eyes.

Geoff saw Awsten's purple hair and heterochromic eyes. His pale hand reached up and out to the youngers hair, unsure of how to act. Awsten helped and took Geoff's hand, placing it on his head, then his face, then his chest.

Geoff took in all the colours swimming through the air. Awsten let in the darkness inside his soul. "You're beautiful." Geoff whispered. Awsten saw the black form around his words. It was the most mesmerising thing he'd seen before.

"So are you." Geoff saw the light blooming around Awsten's words. It was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen.

As the sky turned from a purple, pink to an indigo, their lips collided and they saw the whole of each other. They saw black mingle with blue and dance with each other above their heads.

They broke apart and watched the scene above them. Geoff pulled his colourful soulmate towards his darkened body. Awsten was magical to him, captivating and mesmerising.

Geoff was interesting to him. Mysterious and new.

When black met blue and colours bloomed in the dark of night, two boys saw each other and fell in love, six feet under the stars.

Opposites attract and love always finds a way. Your heart beats solely for one other person when you find your light in the darkness.

I Feel Safe With You ~ One shots; Gawsten [WattPride]Where stories live. Discover now