Episode One: The Game

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This is about a game. A simple game with simple rules. A card game. There used to be a safe way to play. In your rooms with a cross above your bed. Yet, this game changed. No longer safe for children to play. If I had known this beforeperhaps I could have been saved.

Music pulsed around me. In the air. In the swaying bodies. Blood rushed through my veins; dancing with the sweet taste of alcohol. A taste Ive never had before. Emotions I havent experienced in a long time swarmed me. Leaving me with an even greater buzz then the alcohol could have given me. Hands roamed across my skin but I pushed them away. I couldnt let the Elite think Im a slut. I worked too hard to be here. To become an Elite.

Becky grabbed my arm. She was beautiful. Bold. Expressive. In her black dress with a deep V cut that revealed much more than I thought humanly possible. Her red hair bouncing around her emerald eyes as she moved to the beat of the song.

Come on, I want you to meet the others! Becky shouted pulling me away from the dance floor. Ours dresses similar in style were only slightly different. My red dresss V cut was much less reveling. We both wore black hills and a bracelet. Except mine wasnt the beautiful silver rose engraved charm bracelet that all Elite females have. Then men Elites have a silver ring with a small emerald stone in the center.

Mine was a cheap gold bracelet with butterflies. If I can just get that bracelet. Get that life. Then maybe I can truly feel again.

Making our way across the floor we soon came across the VIP section and the men standing there let us through. My throat tightened. My stomach spun. My heart sparked with hope. Something that hasnt grace my presence in years.

Upstairs was the complete opposite of the downstairs. It was quite dark with the only lights coming from the bar and the tables. A crowded was formed in the far back corner. Walking towards it people parted reviling a booth with people sitting around it and playinga game?

A card game.

Confused I noticed other Elites from my school. Gabe the football star with his dirty brown hair, blue eyes and built like a god look. Verity a blond, blue eyed built like Aphrodite was also there. And so was Kaleb. The bad boy with dark hair and sky blue eyes.

What game is it? I asked.

Beat the Devil. Becky replied. At my confused look Becky began to explain.

Its quite simple really. Its a one player game. You shuffle the whole deck and lay out the first 4 cards on the top of the deck without looking at them. You cant look at any of the cards until they are flipped over. Once, the first 4 our visible you look for a two card match such as the ten of hearts and ten of spades. You then draw cards and lay one card on each of the two matching cards. Once you cant make any more matches from the first four you lay down another to try to find a match. You continue with that until you have a total of eight piles on the tables. If you cant complete the game by getting all cards on the table you fail and the Devil wins. The only way to win is get all the cards on the table to beat the Devil.

Quiet laughter came from a few people standing near us. Huhinteresting, I thought as I focused my gaze on the game.

A short, stubby boy with frizzy brown hair and brown eyes began to play. Shuffling the deck like a pro he laid out his first row of four. Not a single match. Sweat beaded on his forehead. His face was bright red either from all the attention he was getting from others or all the acne he had covering his face. Laying down the next card he found a match. An ace of spades and an ace of clover. Match upon match. Card upon card. He was so close to winning. Less than a quarter of a deck less. But he didnt win. Shoulders slumping in defeat he stood up and a blond haired boy grabbed his arm and led him away. Turning my head after them I blinked in surprise. They were gone. Like disappeared from thin air gone.

Iris, do you want to play? Becky asked. Shaking my head I turned back towards her. Butwhere did they go? It doesnt make since. People dont just disappear. They probably just mixed in with the crowd; jeez I need to get a grip.

I dont know. It looks fun. I said glancing towards the deck of cards on the table. Smiling she pulled me towards the table. Becky sat down and I followed suit.

Here Ill help you the first time. Becky said. And then we played. I was slow at first but caught on quickly. And soon began to play on my own. I actually won a couple times. People hollered and clapped. Excited with my win. Adrenaline rushed through me. Someone passed me a drink and without thinking I drank it. Thrilled by this rush. By this game. It was warm. A sweet tingly like sensation that spun erratically inside my chest. Is this joy? Its been so long I cant recall what it felt like.

Do you want to make it moreinteresting? a deep seductive voice asked.

Looking up I was surprised by the site that greeted me. It was a man. His blond hair fell slightly to his ears. Not too long and not to short. Just perfect. Perfect to run your finger through. His dark blue eyes where as deep and mysterious as the midnight sky. There was nothing wrong with him. No blemishes. No scars. Nothing that I could see. Yet, something was different. Odd.

Like what? I asked softy. Afraid to speak to loud. Afraid for others to acknowledge. Glancing around I noticed many people had scattered. That fear appeared to not really matter. Becky, Gabe, Verity, and Kaleb were the only ones left. My heart rate was increasing. Heat spread across my body. Why did I ask?

This version fun and all but I know one that justthrilling. His deep seductive voice rolled across my skin. Pulling me in farther. This version has a risk. It starts with a challenge. You challenge the devil to a game. 100 rounds. You have to win at least 4 games. If you dont then the devil wins and you owe him a favor. Yet, if you win the devil owes you a favor. To start the challenge you have to make a tiny little cut on your finger. Just enough for it to bleed. Then challenge him to a game. Its really the same game. Just one small twist. I froze, shocked by their stupidity. You got to be kidding me. What the hell is this? Are they some weird cult or something? Glancing down I stared at the deck. A memory surfaced to me. Reminding me something important.

Sweetie listen to me. Dont ever spill your own blood. Mother said as blood trailed down her arm.

Why? I asked. Rolling over on the bed she faced me.

Because, youll never stop. Pounding on the door. Yelling from the other side. Quickly, mother-

Shoving this away I stood up. Why now? Why? Tears threatened to fall but I held them back. Like always.

I have to go. I said rushing out of the Devils Den.

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