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Hello my beautiful butterflies! And welcome to the first ever BUTTERFLY BOOK AWARDS!

Now, to find out how to enter, please read on!

Your book HAS you have at least three chapters. Each chapter much be at least 500 words. (Unless its a short story.)

One entry per person.

In order to enter, you must fill out the entry form in the next section. The password is peanut. Put the password after your username in the application. You have to put the password so I know that you read the entire rules section.

Your entry also has to be put in the correct genre. Points will be taken off for failure to follow this.

Bribery or trying to get a judge's bias is absolutely against the rules. If a judge tells me that's what you have done, then you will be disqualified immediately.

You must also be following both this account and the judge of your category.

Judging will start on June 30th or when that genre fills up all the slots.If you are being a judge, please look at the judge's form.

Note: No applications for judging or book entry will be accepted in this chapter. You may ask questions though.

Xx Annelyse

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