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I walk up the steps of my front porch hoping and praying my key works this time, as I slide it into the key hole and twist it open.

"Success." I mutter to myself as a throw it back inside my backpack.

I walk into the kitchen to make myself my usual after school snack, I find the jar of peanut butter next to the milk and pop the lid off and grab a spoon. I hate cold peanut butter but my dad loves it, so therefore our peanut butter stays chilled. I begin to walk up the wooden staircase to my bedroom but stop when I here a noise coming from my dads bedroom. Fuck if someone's in here what will I do, all I have to protect myself Is a spoon, not even a fork, dammit. I wait for another noise as I stand half way up the stairs looking over into the living room. My dad's bedroom door creeks open as a lady in a men's button down shirt walks out oh how classy. I stare at her for a minute or two until she notices me.

"Um, well not to be rude but who the fuck are you." I raise my eyebrow looking her up and down."I'm a Friend of your dads, um Greg." She remains with the same shocked look on her face while calling my dad from the other room. My dad makes his grand appearance wearing only a towel, the fun just never stops. "Naomi, you know I don't like food upstairs, and really straight peanut butter that can't be healthy."

"We'll ether can sleeping with a lady 10 years younger than you just to get over the fact that your wife is died." I continue leaning over the balcony, while sticking the spoon back in the peanut butter. "Excuse me, my personal life does not concern you and shouldn't you be in school?"

"We'll no, seeing as I get out at 3:00 and it's 3:40 you know the same time I've been getting out of school for the past three years, no biggie pops." Miss classy seems quite uncomfortable as she rubs her shoulder and looking around the room trying to keep her eyes busy. "I just didn't realise it had gotten that late, Jess didn't you have an appointment or someone like now." My dad nudges her arm, ah you the sluts nickname is Jess, classic.

"Right, right I'll see you later Greg and it was nice to meet you." She semi smiles at be while walking back to my dads room most likely to grab some pants. My dad turns his attention to me. "You must find some sick joy from embarrassing me right Naomi?"

"Are you kidding? How are you blaming me, you're the one who brought her home." how is he blaming this on me, if anything I did him a favor. " Yes but I didn't need you to go off with your smart mouth again, I'm gonna be with someone doesn't matter you like it or not."

"Whatever." I continue up the stairs making sure to slam my bedroom door behind while ignoring my dads calls, as much as he calls my name I know he won't come up here. That would be too Much work for him.


I walk into English to find Michael sat in his normal, with his normal attire, black everything, his jeans with holes only on the knees and a sex pistol shirt on. The only other time I've heard about them is when watching The Carrie diaries, Carrie's little sister had a small obsession with them, I tried to listen but my dad was worried I was turning into too much of a bad ass, yeah right. Michael smiles when he looks up from his book, he lays the book down on his desk and walks over to mine. "Hey you got my notes?" Crap he remembered that means I don't have a good enough reason to sit with him at lunch.

I try not too look to nervous as I gain eye contact with him. " Yeah yeah sure right in here." I pat my book bag placed at the top of my desk the I normally use as a pillow once the real lesson begins. "Well mind if I get them now, I heard we get to use them on the test."

"Oh wow really, that will be helpful, well not to me cause I don't have notes. Well I did look at yours for a long time and they were petty helpful, you know you've got some nice handwriting, well for a guy anyways. But now you're for sure gonna get an A on the test, well not that you couldn't without notes but lik-"

"Jesus Naomi do you always do that?" I stop mid-sentence of my little ramble with I'm sure a bright red face due to my embarrassment. The real answer is no I don't, only around really cute guys who really know how to work a sweater in the middle of the year and dye their hair many different colors, yet somehow magically pulls them all off. "You sure do jibber jabber a lot"

"Well I don't exactly know what a jabber jimmer is or whatever you said is but that sounds like an affection and I don't need another problem with myself, that makes me take another pill." I wasn't sure if he was being mean or funny but after my second little rant his face expression turns into a frown. "It just means you talk really fast about something silly."

"Are you implying my thoughts are silly michael Clifford because that is very gebber jabbered of you." I fold my arms over my chest attempting to look offended not sure if the message was delivered. "Okay even if you were say the word remotely close to what is actually is, you still wouldn't have used it in away where close to its actual meaning." Michael laughs "My I please just have my notes back class is gonna start any Minute it's going to look like your giving me answers." I sigh while opening up my bag to pull out my English folder, I hand him the notes which he reaches over to grab with a small smile. "So I'll see you at lunch then?" I stop for a minutes I've given his notes back but he still wants to converse with me. "Right yeah you will, I mean you know if I wanna, I might drop by to see you. I've got a lot of other people who wanna sit with me so well yeah, I'm sure I could maybe might be able to squeeze you in, pff maybe." I flip my hair over my shoulders while crossing my right leg over my other.

"Well if you could fit me in your very busy schedule I'd be honored." Michael laughs while walking back to his seat opening his book again. Doesn't seem like much had changed from yesterday but this is just the beginning.

Wow hey so sorry for not updating this for like four months... I didn't think anyone really liked it so I was about delete it but to the few of you who are reading I thank you, And I'm praying this isn't to sucky ily and sorry for any bad grammar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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