Chapter Three: Moonstar's Dream

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That very night was life-changing for ever cat that had ever, and ever would exist, and barely anyone knew it!

Moonstar, the proud, loyal and honorable leader of RiverClan, lay in her regal nest, pondering the points she would make and the things she would mention at the upcoming Gathering.

She looked up at the darkening sky - she'd have to set off to Fourtrees soon.
Invited was her deputy, medicine cat, a few elders, and some warriors. She usually liked to keep the parties that she took with her to the Gatherings to the bare minimum.

Moonstar was a beautiful cat - dark black, with a perfect, tiny white dot on her cheek.
That white dot had become a legend, that symbolised pure beauty within the heart, along with the gift of kindness and knowledge.
Clanfolk believed that any cat born with a similar mark, would be destined to rule over cats in a great way.
It was unfortunately pure mousedung, but the apprentices liked to think that their made-up mini-prophecy was significant.

Moonstar stepped out of her warm, comfortable nest, and met an assembled crowd of cats, all of which had been invited to the Gathering.

"Thank you all for being on time," she said, directed to the group, "We are now going to go to Fourtrees. Please, no delaying or wandering, on the journey there. Especially when we leave RiverClan territory," she stated, not that it was necessary.

No decent cat would ever dare to step out of line under the watchful, yet sometimes stern, eye of Moonstar.
She was kind and friendly, yet could be terrifying when she needed to be. Which was just how a good leader should be.
So she was respected by the clan, and felt proud of it.

They padded through the thick wood and past the waters, until they reached Fourtrees.
The Gathering commenced as usual, with the clan leaders standing above the rest of the clan cats, who loudly and confidently discussed current matters.
Nothing too unusual came up, however.
ShadowClan were being a bit viscous, and there was a hint of a possible start of a fight, but brave Moonstar decisively put an end to it before it got out of order.

All the cats were tired, as they trudged back to their camps, when the Gathering had finished.

Moonstar's head hung low.
Recently, she'd often felt like such a failure of a leader. She hadn't revived any hidden messages from StarClan, in all the many moons that she had been in power.
Or maybe, it was just that she had been too stupid to notice them, despite how hard she tried.

Briefly, she cast her mind back to what she'd heard from the elders' den that one night, so long ago.
But as she'd aged, she had assumed it was just random talk, nothing to do with her, or any real prophecy.
She had probably imagined it all, was what she thought.
But yet, she couldn't help sincerely wishing that something hopeful, and exciting would happen for her clan. All that had occurred was more war, and more deaths, due to the lack of supplies recently.

Willowfeather, her loyal and trustworthy deputy, walked beside her, looking at her worriedly.

"Moonstar," he whispered to her, "Are you alright? You've seemed quite low today,"

Moonstar sighed.

He'd only think of her as pathetic, and pedantic, if she told him about her troubles.

"Really? Oh, I apologise," she said, instead.

Willowfeather knew that she was lying, though. They'd known each other since they were just apprentices, for StarClan's sake! And after all, being the leader of a clan, in such a terrible time of crisis was hardly the easiest job.
But he said no more.

Later, Moonstar collapsed in her den, exhausted, and thankful for the blessed night, in which brought her beautiful sleep.
However, her dreams would be disrupted that night.
But in the long-term, StarClan knew that she would be thankful for it.

Her soft fur lay in her nest, and almost instantly, her eyes closed, and she was transported through a portal, into the universe of unconsciousness.
During this time, StarClan gazed down on her, and decided that tonight was the night of destiny.

In Moonstar's dream, she was wandering freely in the woods, enjoying the heat of the day. When all of a sudden, she heard a rustle of leaves, and not far away, was the outline of an elegant cat, that Moonstar had never seen before.
The cat wasn't transparent, but close to it. She has pretty, dappled, auburn fur, perfectly placed.

"Who are you?" Moonstar called, nervously, and curiously, unsure if this was even a clan-cat.

The feline turned to look at Moonstar, and walked towards her. Or drifted, rather.
Because even though she wasn't going fast, her paws didn't really touch the ground, somehow.

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out, soon enough," replied the she-cat, mysteriously.

Moonstar stared at her, confused.

"I have come from StarClan, to deliver a message to you, Moonstar," she stated, smiling kindly.

"" uttered the astonished leader.

"They are now born, the deeds nearly done, this dream has been had, and the prophecy begun," quoted the magical-seeming cat.

Moonstar's mouth opened in surprise. She was frozen to the spot.

"That's like what I heard... all those moons ago..." whispered Moonstar, bewildered.

"Yes, it is," meowed the anonymous cat, "Your job is to guide the cats in this prophecy. The rest will be revealed later, in other dreams, or even in reality, perhaps..." she finished.

The cat started to retreat, but Moonstar was suddenly determined to get more answers.

"Wait! How will I know what to do?" she asked, in a panicked tone.

"The Nine-Deed Prophecy will soon reveal itself," she replied, "like prophecies always do."

And with that, she faded away, leaving Moonstar.

                     *   *    *

When Moonstar woke up, she felt different.

She had been visited by StarClan.

She had been given a mission.

And she would either compete it, or die trying.

Even if it was the last thing that she would do.

There was a definite change in the RiverClan leader that night.

And the whole clan would notice it.

She would notice it.

So that she would change the way of the warriors, forever.

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