Chapter Three: Twin Killers

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A/N: (s/n) = Name of your choosing for your sister.

    I jolted awake and hit my head on the window. I gasped and held where I had hit myself. My mom looked back at me, not very concerned might I add, and asked, "You alright?"
     "Yeah." I lied. That's gonna leave a bump. I untangled my earbuds from my hair and put them to the side. If I listen to music any longer then by the time I get to my sister's, it'll be dead. And I can't live without it for more than an hour. Not that I'm obsessed with it or addicted to it, but I just kind of don't care for people.
     I looked out the window to see if I could tell where we were. I couldn't. "How close are we?"
     "Just a few more miles actually. You've been asleep almost the entire ride." My dad was the one to answer. I nodded and looked back out the window. I'm not surprised I slept that long. I haven't been able to all school year. I am so glad it's summer break. I lean back and try to think about what it'll be like when we get there. Me and both of my parents are gonna be staying with my sister. I haven't seen her in a few years. But, we still text and call. My mom and dad don't know but (s/n) actually had the old barn behind her house turned into a second home. It's not huge but that's fine. She said she's gonna let me stay in there because she knows that this could be one of my few chances to get a break from our mom. Jeez, she's the best.
     My mind started to wonder to the possibility of meeting new people. I've never had a lot of friends back home. Man, I wonder why? Though I'm not gonna go looking for someone to hang out with, it would be cool.
     Just as I almost sink into one of my endless daydreams we pass a sign. "Gravity Falls." Hm. That's both an ironic and suspicious name for a town. Maybe it means that one day society will have fallen apart so much that even the laws of physics won't apply anymore. I almost smile at the thought.
     Soon, we're driving past buildings. It's strange after seeing nothing but trees and open road. I kind of miss it. I start to see people walking on the sidewalks. They all seem to have a little quirk about them. A lady with one functioning eye, the absolutely largest man with red hair I've ever seen, and - oh. That guy with brown hair who seems to have a permanent smile on his face actually looks too normal.  After a while we turn down a small dirt road into the forest. Nice choice of housing sis. The road isn't too long but still just far enough from humanity. We finally come up to a large cabin. It's honestly the nicest house I've ever seen. How did she afford this? When we stop, we all get out of the car and start grabbing bags. Since I packed the least, I just sort off used every part of my upper body that could hold something so I could make one trip. I race up to the house while struggling not to drop anything. I put everything down at the door and look at it. I've never felt this excited in a while. I eagerly knock on the door, then proceed to realize there's a doorbell. I press that too just to piss her off.
     The door opens and out steps my sister. She has the same hair and eye color as me, but our facial structures are very different. I look more like dad and she got mom's face. I used to make fun of her for it and she would laugh with me. Before I know what's happening she's practically picked me up and hugging me. "I missed you soooo much!" Wow, I forgot she squeals when she's excited. At least I know she actually wanted to see me.
     "I missed you too, dude!" I can't believe it but I actually giggled and that means I've never been happier.
     "(F/n) could you please come help us?" My mom yelled from the car. Of course she had to cut this short. Wouldn't want me getting too happy now would we? I glanced back and groaned,
     "Fine." I looked back at my sister and laughed, "You have no idea what you got yourself into with letting her over here." She smiled and just nodded because she knew exactly what I meant. I went to help, but I realized I already had all my bags on the porch. I came back to get them, but (s/n) stopped me.
     "I've got it, kid. You go help the spawn of Satan." I dryly chuckled and went back to the car.
     "You could've helped us before you went and knocked on the door. That way we could all see her at the same time." My mom said in that mom way that makes you feel guilty even though you know you shouldn't. I shook my head and replied,
     "Why? We were all gonna see her anyway so why at the same time?" I expected my dad to maybe say something but he just took all the bags he had and headed up to the house.
     "Just get the rest of the bags, (f/n)." She followed after my dad in a huff. I just cursed at the air under my breathe and got what I came for. After closing the trunk I walked up to the now closed door.
     "Thanks guys." I muttered. I manage to open it and walk in. I close the door behind me and call for (s/n).
     "Up here!" I looked around and found a staircase. I ran up it and down the hallway it lead to. Sure enough I found an open door and entered. My mom and dad had thrown all their things on the ground and had made themselves very comfortable on the bed. My sister seemed like she had been talking to them about something. Maybe the house and why it's so fucking expensive?
     "Where do you want these?
     "Anywhere is fine for now." My mom said. I had been asking (s/n). I toss them all in a corner and lean on the wall. All I want is to get (s/n) away from mom and dad and hang out with her by myself for a little bit. I stand there waiting for them to finish their meaningless chit-chat. When they do, (s/n) turns to me.
     "Alright kid. What do you want to see first?
     "Honestly? You. But if you mean of the house, you know exactly what I want to see." She smiled at the comment I had subtly thrown in. It's things like that that could make someone's day. She walked over, grabbed my hand, and led me to the back yard. "Hey, don't you want me to get my stuff out of the house first?"
     "Don't worry. I already put it there." She pulled me in and wrapped her arm around me.
     When I saw it I forgot how to breath for a second. It was gorgeous. Nowhere near as big as the house but it had been made to match it. It had two rectangular windows at the top, which will really open the inside up, a sliding door, and a little garden next to it. Too bad nothing had been planted yet. Maybe she'll let me help her with it over the summer. We got up to the door and she asked, "You ready to see your new living quarters for the next two months?" I just put my hand on the handle and nodded. I slid it open and nearly died. There were more windows on the sides that I couldn't see before with what seemed like a hundred potted herbs and plants in the window seals. The area we had walked into was the kitchen.
     "Dude. This place has a KITCHEN!?" She grinned and nodded at me. I continued to look at everything in awe. Everything was so nice and clean. Nothing like my place. Well, my room. I'm scared I might not leave this place the entire summer. Actually, scratch that. I can't wait to stay in here all summer! I walked past the counter that sectioned off the kitchen from the small living area. There was a love seat sitting on one wall with a flat screen T.V. opposite of it.  I'm gonna be watching a hella lot of Netflix on that baby. I walk over the shag carpet she had put in up to a wall she must have added. I slowly opened the door to a decent sized bedroom. It had (f/c) walls and dark wood floors. The bed was just - ugh. No English word can describe it. I'll have to learn a new language for it. I went over to it and plopped myself down on it. I looked at my sister. "Thank you so, SO much for letting me stay here!"
     "It's no problem. It's just a small gift." I squinted at her. This was no small gift. This was huge! She's gotta be buttering me up for something.
     "Are you sure you're just doing this out of the goodness of your heart? Or do you want so something?" I mean after this I'm willing to do anything for her. She started getting really red and began stuttering.
     "Wha-what? I don't want anything! It's just - I just wanted to do something - look I love you - oh for fuck's sake yes I want something. But it isn't something you can give me." Alright. Now I'm confuzzled.
     "What is it?" It's gotta be something big if your way of bribing me is by letting me stay in a dream house like this." She sighed and confessed.
     "Look, there's these twins that visit here an -"
     "What!? You want me to go hang out with people? People I've never met? They could be killers! Twins are always the creepy killers!"
     "Kid, calm down. They're your age and they are by no means killers. You'll understand when you meet them cause I'm taking you there." I really wanted to argue with her but she is letting me stay in this really nice extra house. I'd be a total bitch to say no.
     "Fine, but when we find a dead body in their house you'll know I was right."

                                   ●                                 ●                                  ●

     (S/n) drove me up to this place called "The Mystery Shack." It was really run down and was missing a letter on the sign. I got out of the car and looked around and saw a goat and a pig eating a can together. I ship it. I returned my focus to the building and began walking toward it. "We could always turn back now and not die."
     My sister laughed and shook her head, "I know these kids. You'll love them." Sure. We got to the door and she opened it. So it's a gift shop. Wonder why you'd buy souvenirs from a small town like this? There's a girl standing behind the register reading a comic completely ignoring our existence. I respect that. "Dipper! Mabel! It's (s/n)!" I heard the pitter-patter of footsteps coming down the steps.
     Two people appear. I'm assuming they're the twins. They're identical. One is a tall boy who appears to be about 16 or 17 so I'm assuming his sister is too. He has some stubble growing on his chin and a blue hat with a pine tree on it. Aesthetic. He looks like the really paranoid type. The girl had brown hair like her brother and was wearing a huge pink sweater that just had the word cats all over it. She seems like the bubbly, happy kind of girl that only exists in cartoons. Immediately she gets really loud, really fast.
     "(S/n)!!! You're here!!!" Her face became a little confused when she saw me. "Who's this?"
     "This," She points to me like I'm a display at a museum. "Is my sister (f/n). She's visiting for the summer and is staying at my place." Dipper seemed to perk up when he heard this.
     "Really? We're visiting too. But, next year when we graduate from high school, we're moving here." I'm not really interested in hanging out with these guys but for my sister's sake I'll play nice.
     "That's so cool. Anything in particular draw you here? Maybe it could give me a reason other than my sister to come back some time." He stumbles over his words a little bit. Like he isn't supposed to tell me.
     " interesting place is all." Mabel seemed to see her brother struggling and swooped in to help him.
     "Yeah and our Grunkles live here too! They're the best. Ford is the really smart, geeky one and Stan is the super cool, scamming one." I raise my eyebrows and say,
     "Oh it's nothing. It's just a little fun is all." These kids may not be killers, but they're definitely mysterious. I don't care too much about their Grunkles, but the "interesting" town has definitely peaked my interest. I won't be able to get much out of Mabel. She seems more strong-willed than Dipper. Looks like I just found my target.
     "Alright then. Hey, Dipper?" He had been looking at either his shoes or his sister since I asked about this place but now he forced himself to looks somewhat in my direction. "I saw there are a lot of forests here. Think you could show me a few trails?" He took a small step back and awkwardly nodded. "Hey, (s/n), tell Mom and Dad what I'm doing."
     "Um. Okay?" I don't think she expected me to ask this kid to hang out. On our way out the door I looked back at her and winked. Then we left.

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