Back to School Blues

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Jack stepped out of the car and was bombarded with the sounds of running feet and the excited chatter of people explaining what they got up to during the holidays.
Wicklin High school had not changed one bit. The same large ugly building stood its ground in front of Jack. The rugby pitches stretched for miles, just waiting for his face to be planted in their mud as he got knocked down again and again. That's one thing Jack hated about the school, rugby was compulsory for the first two terms and because of his lanky body and long, disproportionate arms he always seemed to be falling over and being easily taken to the ground in a tackle. After the first two terms were over however you were given the option to study during games or take part in sprinting. Now that was one thing Jack could do. He was faster then any other guy in his year and always took part as it make him feel free in a way nothing else would.
Pushing open the heavy metal doors he braced himself for what this year would bring.

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