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Gray's pov
I'm still thinking of anyway to see constella. Natsu and the others are also trying to help

Suddenly, aika spoke up

"if constella constella can't come to us then why don't we go to her" aika suggested

"that's actually a really great idea. Aika you're a genius" natsu praised

"aye sir" happy agreed

"aww thanks"

"what are we waiting for then?" i asked impatiently

"i think you should put some clothes on first" lucy sweat dropped

"wait, can we even go there? Is it possible?" erza asked loke

"sure it is. I can take you guys there. But as soon as we get there, we better move carefully and quietly. We don't wanna get the king's attention" loke said

We all looked at natsu

"what? Why are you guys looking at me like that?" natsu asked confusedly

"you better be quiet you birdbrain or i'll make sure you'll regret it" i threatened

"whatever ice princess" he teased

"what did you just call me?" i asked angrily

"will you two knock it off" erza scolded us by bumping my head and natsu's together

"are we going or what?" carla asked

"alright let's go" i said

Loke sent us to the celestial spirit world with him. But it seemed like we're inside a castle

"where are we?" wendy asked

"we're currently in the royal palace of the celestial spirit world. This is where the royal family and the zodiac spirits live" leo replied

"this place is really huge!" aika and natsu exclaimed

"shhh" we shhed them

"that's because we're at the celestial spirit king's part of the royal palace"

"we better stay quiet, we can't let anyone know we're here" lucy said

"are you two trying to get us caught?" i scolded angrily

Erza bonked their heads together



'i feel a little sorry for aika but natsu deserves that😈'

"sorry ma'am" they apologized

"wait, did you just say the king's part of the royal palace?" lucy asked nervously

"yeah. That's why everything here is so huge and why we have to keep quiet. Let's go to constella's part of the palace" leo said

"is it huge there too?" i asked

"no. It's the size of a normal palace. If we take this path you'll notice that the ceiling is getting a little lower and the things in here like the paintings, tables and vases are normal in size. And that's because we're now out of the king's part of the palace and in to constella's part. Everyone living here have their share or should i say part of the royal palace" leo replied

"wow impressive" i said

"i didn't understand a single word you said" natsu grinned

We sweat dropped at natsu's stupidity

'he really is an idiot'

"so where's the other zodiac spirits?" lucy asked

"they must be out doing there own things somewhere" loke replied

Fairy Tail: Forbidden Love (Gray x OC) [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now