Cliche Pool Party, With You.

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By the way this chapter is pretty boring. We're nearing the end.

Hanji, Berthodlt, Reiner, Levi, Krista, Ymir and I walked to Riku's house the next week. While I talked to Krista about random things Reiner had his arms around my waist while he walked behind me.

I could tell the Levi and Berthodlt we're sending glares at him. What can you expect?

"Wait up, (Y/N)!" A voice called from behind us. Everyone stopped walking and looked back at the person that called.

Eren was running while waving his hand in the air, with a huge smile on his face. Mikasa, Armin, Connie, and Sasha trailing behind him. They finally made it towards me, but frowned when he saw how Reiner was latched onto me.

He tried to hide it like he wasn't mad, but of course I could see right through that act. "Hey, (Y/N)! You guys are heading to Riku's party, right?"

"Yeah, you guys can tag along if you want." Reiner answered for me with a small pout decorating his lips. He was definitely jealous. Mikasa and Sasha finally caught up, now Connie and Armin are trailing behind them.

Sasha greets everyone and goes to talk to Krista since Eren and I were talking. Mikasa waves at everyone and goes to stand by Eren. Armin and Connie finally catch up to us.

"H-hey! It wasn't v-very nice to leave us b-behind!" Connie says in between breaths.

"Sorry Connie, next time you should speed up!" Sasha responds to Connie as he is hunched over.

"Hey, but you got some exercise in! Cardio is good to get your adrenaline running!" Krista smiles sweetly. Connie gives her salty look.

After that we continued on our path, sometimes we would see something cool then Eren would grab my hand a point to it and he would tell me all about it like a little kid who loves the attention. But in Eren's case, I found it adorable.

We finally make it to our destination, Riku's house. Hanji and I decided to lead everyone in since we were the only people in the little group of ours that knew every inch of Riku's house. Once we walked up to the door we could already hear music on the other side of the door and water splashing from the backyard.

Hanji rings the doorbell and we could hear a muffled 'Coming!' from the inside. We could hear kids laughing and screaming from inside.

The door swings open to reveal Riku's mother, Mrs. Daiko. She looked tired, I guess keeping children out of trouble isn't the best job.

Once she saw me her eyes lit up. She engulfs me into a big bear hug. "(Y/N) how long has it been since I saw you?" She pats my back and breaks the hug.

"You brought Hanji with you two!" She gave Hanji a hug as well.

She looked around the two of us and saw everyone else. "Wow Riku sure does have a lot of friends..Well you guys better get inside, it's hot out there." She steps aside and let's us inside.

"Mommy! Who was at the do—(Y/N)! Hanji!" I hear a little girls voice from inside the house.

I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Riku's little sister, Hana. She ran towards me and hugged my waist. "I missed you so much! Come on! Your boyfriend is over here!" She grabbed me by the hand and started to drag me towards the backdoor where the pool is.

'Boyfriend? What does she mean by boyfriend?' I thought to myself as she dragged me through the house.

"Onee-San! Your girlfriend is here!" She yelled as soon as we were at the door of the backyard.

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