"This I Believe"

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I believe in castles. Not the ancient fortresses that smell of rotting wood; I mean the castles in their prime, with elegant courtyards, sturdy walls, and waving flags. They are symbols of grandeur and honor, the home and sanctuary of a lord. In times of struggle, the castle protects his identity - as a ruler, a noble. Mine serves a similar purpose. It is the home of my soul, the foundation of my heart. My castle in the air- everything I aspire to be. CastlesThey have come to represent my belief in the power of dreams.

This became very important on a bright summer's day, as the wind blocked out all sorts of noncommittal noises. The sparkling sea, turquoise blue, flowed and rippled with every tide and turn. Everything seemed so solid, so concrete, but it all collapsed at the slightest touch. That was me as I was told that I would never succeed in life by a person who was meant to love me: my grandmother. Your writing is trash, she proclaimed outright. You nearly failed the state exams How can you? How can you live in this world without knowing how to properly write? English is your native tongue. If you cannot do even this, what can you ever do in life? What can I do? That day, I could do nothing. My writing was incoherent, my handwriting was illegible, I didn't speak clearly, I was a fool for forgetting the multiplication table, my piano skills sounded like the banging of hammers on keys, my swimming was worse than a cat's... basically, I was doomed to fail in life. So I was told. Overcome with shock and emotion, I had run to the ocean for consolation. That day, I did not know who I was. At all.

Following this incident in fourth grade, I spent the next three to four years trying to prove my grandmother wrong, to show that I was worthy. At that time, I'll be honest, I had no friends, and I distrusted my family. There was no one to guide me along the untouched path as I struggled to determine my purpose. I was lost.

Yet over time, with the help of literary characters like Jo March from Little Women, Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird, and Anna in Anna Karenina, and newly-found acquaintances, I came to know what I wanted to do. I wanted good grades; I wanted to write. I wanted to be a Carnegie Hall soloist and an Olympic star. I wanted full control over my life; I wanted to be me. The one who upheld her namesake of a queen and unlocked her full potential, overcoming criticism and taunts and emerging from the other side, battered but victorious.

As years have gone by since that incident, my dreams were the reminder of what I thought, what I cared about- that trumped every piece of discouragement others threw at me. People told me I was plain, and stupid, and too ambitious. They laughed at my mistakes and announced that I would never be more than just a somebody. But I have changed. No longer am I as unsure of myself; I have friends and books to guide me.

And these dreams, they are not just fantasies; they have become a defining part of me. They push me through the toughest of times, a beacon of light in a sea of darkness, lighting my path to the mountain summit. Through dreams, I can overcome the limits of society and try to pursue my own course of happiness in life, to make my mark on the world. Not a soul could force me to succumb to defeat, for my dreams hold me up, high in the sky, with clouds and my castle in the air...

So, next time, when someone tells me I'm getting ahead of myself, that I could not possibly succeed in my wild fascinations, I shall say nothing. I will rise, tall and dignified. And, looking down upon them, I will say with confidence: I can, I shall, and I will.

This I believe. 

Hope you enjoyed it! It's a bit short, and let me know what you think. I realize it's not the brightest piece of work ever (haha... :D) so please don't berate me too hard. Plus, I'm thinking of trying to write an actual story so if you think that's a good idea/want to offer advice please do so. Thanks!

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