Prologue and Chapter One

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In the year 2056, the world's most powerful earthquake occurred, forcing the seven continents back together. The supercontinent of Pangaea was reformed, along with the singular ocean mass of Panthalassa. When the various countries found themselves with new neighbors, borders began to blur. World War III broke out as the world's governments raced to grab land and power. The countries immediately formed alliances with each other, resulting in three major super powers. At the head of Defender countries was the United States of America, followed by Great Britain, Australia, and Canada, among others. China, along with France and a few other European and African countries formed the Kaibigan. The Mittelmachte consisted of Germany, Russia, and the remaining countries.

After ten bloody years of war which wiped out most of the population, the Defender countries were defeated and driven under the water, where they created an ecosystem where they could live and prosper. The Mittlemachte countries were completely wiped out. The victors of the war, the Kaibigan, settled across Pangaea where they could. They set up a monarchy and become known as the Pangaeans. With a capital in Marseilles, France, Pangaea consists of seventeen other cities. With a strong army and fortified land, they became untouchable. The Defender countries spread out their underwater ecosystem into ten major cities, with Kenton as the capital. Assuming the name Panthalassa, they set up a totalitarian democracy, selecting representatives from each city to help govern the country.

Relations between the people of Pangaea and Panthalassa are poor. There is zero contact between the two countries. The Panthalassians are content in their new home and the Pangaeans do well for themselves on land. Because of the bloodshed of the war, there is a strong distrust and they want nothing to do with each other.

Chapter One

The first note of the bell set off the mass of teenagers, bumping into each other trying to make it out the door. They had their backpacks packed ten minutes earlier in preparation. Within seconds, the room was left empty and quiet. Calder was still sitting in the back corner. She stared down at her electronic notebook, light brown bangs hiding her eyes. The only sound was the low hum of the large touch screen blackboard shutting down at the front of the room, until -

"What are you drawing?" Her blonde haired, rosy cheeked teacher, Miss Nox, wisped to a stop at Calder's desk.

Calder winced. Nosey teachers were the absolute worst. "A bird," she answered. She added more details to the feathers of the eagle that was just about to take flight.

"That's odd. Birds aren't much use to us here, now are they?" Miss Nox put an intrusive hand down on the smooth surface of the desk.

"Neither is history. But you still make us sit in this stupid classroom and learn about that stupid war every week," Finally Calder titled her head up, looking her teacher in the eyes. "You'd think it was the only piece of history that we had."

The lady breathed in deeply to calm herself. "That's not a very good attitude," she paused, apparently waiting for remorse. She found none. "Like I say all the time in class, learning about our history, particularly the war, instills in us a clear understanding of who was on the right side of the war and who was on the wrong side. That is something we wouldn't want to forget. Especially if you ever want to follow in your father's footsteps as a representative."

Calder's head followed her eyes as they rolled back and up to stare at the ceiling. "Miss Nox, if I ever become a representative..." her head snapped down to look the pale lady in the eyes. "Please shoot me." Then it was Miss Nox's turn to roll her eyes. She had been dealing with Calder's lack of interest in politics all year.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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