BONUS! Chapter seven: Feeling lonely.

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Well, it's been a year since we've been dating each other, and Cyril has decided to move in with me in my apartment. It turns out I failed my exam, but Mum and Dad let me keep the apartment anyway, and put a word in for me to star in a movie. By the way, yes I went back and re-did the exam and passed if you wanted to know. Everything is perfect, except for the fact the Cyril is starting to distance himself from me all of a sudden, and I'm starting to wonder if he's regretting the decision to be my boyfriend?

"Cyril! Breakfast!" I shout, putting down a traditional Japanese breakfast on the table.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a moment!" Shouted Cyril, I think he just came out of a shower.

As I finish plating the food, Cyril comes down stairs in a white office shirt, brown suit trousers  and a brown waistcoat, his hair is still a little wet, God he looks amazing even this early.

"Your hair is still wet." I said, grabbing a towel and drying it for him when he gets into the kitchen. His hair is starting to get rather long now.

"Hey! ...I can do it myself!" He said, taking the towel off me forcefully and drying his hair. When he finishes drying it he put the towel on the back of the chair, and then he ties it up in a short ponytail.

"...Avoiding me again?" I mumble, Cyril turns to me with a confused expression.

"What did you say?" He asks, turning to face me with a stern expression.

"Nothing important." I say, my eyes avoid him. I hate lying to him...

"...Have you got work today?" He asks, his expression softens.

"No, it's my day off. I assume you do though." I said, still avoiding eye contact, I really don't know what to do.

"No, I need to visit someone today so I might be back late." He said, putting on a red tie. Doesn't he know what I'm feeling right now?

"...Okay. Itadakimasu." I said, then eating my breakfast.

"Thank you for the meal." He said, then sits down and eats breakfast.

After a silent breakfast, Cyril washes the dishes before goes out to wherever he's off to, leaving me alone once more. I wait for him to leave before sitting in the living room with a script I was given for the role I'm playing in.

"Damn it! Don't you love me anymore?!" I shout, tears falling from my face. I just want to be closer, not further from you!

I spend most of the time in the house, doing nothing but housework and working on my acting skills to take my mind off it because if I think about it, I'll think about him and probably with a woman. It's midnight, I've already gone to bed, I waited for him, but... He didn't come back yet. I wake up to see Cyril sleeping beside me, he looks tired. His hair is damp, did he have a shower before jumping into bed? Where did he go? And who did he meet today? He's got a faint scent of a woman on him... Was I right? Are women are better after all to you?

"You're unfair... I keep feeling alone, why do you avoid me? Yet, I still love you. It fuckin' hurts, y'know?" I whisper, then tears fall from my face as I cry myself to sleep. 

It's a frightful Friday morning, I wake up tired, my eyes are puffed up from crying, a headache possibly also from crying, and I have a fever. Wonder-fucking-ful. I try sit up, but only to be pushed back down again with some force. I look up to see what pushed me down. What I saw was Cyril with a simple blue book.

"Don't get up, you have a fever." Said Cyril, he looks worried. He put down the book and he sat next to me. I wonder if he heard what I said last night?

I'm in love with my teacher!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن