Chapter Two

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Knowing that Jordan Henderson was coming made me nervous. I mean, who doesn’t get nervous around good looking men? I certainly did, and nine times out of ten I made a fool out of myself. Did I mention how good looking Martin is? Put two and two together, I was the clumsiest person around. I came to the conclusion that I would try to be super charming to Henderson, I mean he was a good choice right? He’s nice, or I mean I hope he is. He’s handsome. He’s a footballer. He has the cutest accent, not that I spent hours on YouTube looking up interviews when he first signed for Liverpool or anything. To be honest, I’m not even really sure what I’m trying to do by talking to Jordan. Am I trying to get Martin jealous? Possibly, but not really. I swear I don’t know a single thing I’m doing.

Why are you even thinking about it? Not like he’d look at you twice, just how Kelly doesn’t. Brain 1, Marie 0. I hate how my brain is almost a separate being from me, it holds its own opinions, and slaps sense into me when my heart goes haywire. Whatever, I don’t care.

Haha, who am I trying to kid? Of course I care, and I care a lot. That’s why I’m checking on the pasta I’m cooking, making sure it’s at the right consistency, that it has the right flavor, that it doesn’t fall flat. That’s why I’m here, standing in front of my closet trying to decide what to wear. Seriously, it should not be this hard to just choose something, but it is. Should I go for ultra-seductress on the prowl, or girl next door? Ultimately I gave up, I couldn’t pull either look anyways, so I reached for my favorite pair of jeans. They were snug and fit perfect in all the right places. Jeans were a good way to go. I also settled on a simple blouse, a bit dressy, but not overly to the point that screamed ‘I dressed up because Henderson is coming.’ Good choice, Marie, no one will ever notice. Good thing too, because as soon as I pulled the blouse over my head I head the door being opened followed by Martin shouting,

“Honey, we’re home!”

I gave myself once last glance in the mirror, had a smile check, fixed my jeans, and walked through the door, past the hallway and into the dining area. I saw a shiny bald head entering the door, and I immediately ran to his arms and held him in a tight hug.


“Marie!” Jonjo lifted me and spun me around.

“Marie!” as soon as Jonjo put me down, Martin picked me and spun me the same way.


“Erm… Jordan?” said a quiet voice. I peeked underneath Jonjo’s arm to see Jordan was standing right behind, with an awkward sort of smile, and damn did the boy look good. It wasn’t even funny how handsome he is, really, he has this whole ‘I model for Giorgio Armani on the weekends.’ Mixed with an elfish kind of look, odd, but it worked, it definitely worked. He had short mousy brown hair, although spending too much time in the sun had caused his hair to lighten significantly. He had a straight aristocratic nose that slightly turned up at the end, but it was the imperfection that gave it the charm. He had an amazing pair of ocean blue eyes that complimented his fair skin to the bone. He was tall, not quite as tall as Martin, but close enough. Sum it up, the boy from Sunderland was hot.

“Oh yes, Jordan, this is Marie, she’s my housemate.”

I stuck my hand out and gave him the brightest smile I could muster “Nice to meet you, Jordan.”

I thought my smile would sure dazzle the guy, but it was not near as effective as his. “Pleasures all mine.” He said, taking my hand in both of his. “Sorry for dropping by out of the blue…”

“That’s fine, Martin told me you two were coming by.”

“Ohhh is that why you’re all dressed up? I was wondering why you weren’t in your usual unattractive clothing!” Jonjo said, nudging me and sending a wink down my way.

Martin and Me [Martin Kelly Fan Fic] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now