Chapter 1

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{Narrator's P.O.V.}

You were watching Fullmetal Alchemist in your room, when suddenly the TV turned off.

"shit!" you murmured under your breath. You went up to the TV to fix it when you felt a shock. "WHAT THE HELL?" you shouted, your finger now feeling numb. "Now I am going to miss 10 episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist." you went up the window and saw it was dark...instead you went to sleep.

{Edward's P.O.V.}

I felt something was wrong...I was right. I fell into darkness and felt nothing. Before that, I was talking to Winry and Al. When I woke up, I saw a couch in front of me. I looked outside...It was dark. I looked around and saw the kitchen. It was different and had colorful things.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked.

"I don't know brother." Al said.

"It seems to me like we are in a different house." Winry said after.

"WHAT THE HELL GUYS!!! cam with me?...and don't scare me like that." I said back.

"ummm...after you fainted...we kinda fainted also." they said in unison.

"we should look around the house and see if anyone lives here." I said. They both nodded. With that we went upstairs and looked around. There was one room left on the third floor and I went to go check it out. Once I opened the door, I saw a h/c headed girl sleeping. I was shocked at first and then I just left her sleep. I went back to the others to tell them what I saw. 

"Hey, I saw a h/c headed girl sleeping upstairs...i guess it's her room." I said.

"She probably live here alone." Winry said.

"Maybe...but...where are we?" I asked.

"yea...we should ask the h/c headed girl tomorrow...or...when she wakes up." said Al. 

yea and for now we should get some rest and explain everything to the today was a rough day!" Winry exclaimed.

"yea!!" Me and Al said in unison.

{Next day and your P.O.V.}

I woke up as the sun hit me. " ugh, I don't want to get up." either way I had to get up, so I got up and went to the kitchen and then saw a braid sticking out the couch. "who the hell is there?" I whispered/yelled. I got a pan and went up to the couch. when I went up to the couch...I gasped.


A/N: hehehe...srry I had to! anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter and get ready for more!!!

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