Stoick the Vast

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Hicca's Pov

When Gobber and I arrive at my house we stop at the front door. I say you know I really did hit it Gobber, sure you did hicca. He never listens, well it runs in your family I then say and when he does it's always with thus dissappointed scowl like some one skipped on the meat in his sandwich. I then do the best impression of my dad I can doe , excuse me barmaid I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring I ordered and extra large boy with beefy arms extra guts and glory on the side this here is not only a girl but a talking fishbone. Gobber then says no you got this all wrong it's not the fact that your girl or what you look like its whats inside that he cant stand. I give him a sarcastic look and say thank you for summing that up, look the point is stop trying to be somthing your not Gobber says, I just wabt to be one of you guys I reply I then walk into my house and leave out the back door to find that night fury.

Stoick's Pov

It's either we finish them or they finish us I yell to the crowd in the great hall one more search before the ice sets in I continue. The crowd replies those ships never come back stoick I reply were vikings it's an occupational hazard the crowd doesnt say anything ok I say those who stay will look after hicca they all raise their hands I say dryly thats more like it. I feel bad using her to get volunteers but I have bigger things to worry about know. I walk to gobber and stop him from going to pack for the trip. Hold it Gobber I need you to stay and trian some new recuits, oh and while I'm busy hicca can cover the stall molten steel razor sharp weapons lots of time to herself what could possibly go wrong he replied. I know but what am I going to do with her, put her in training with the other, what no Gobber she'd be killed before you let the first dragon out of its pen, oh you dont know that, yes I do know that, no you dont, yes I do-, no you don't stoick the true is you wont always be around to protect her she going to get out ther again she's probably out there now....You can't stop her stoick you can only prepare her.

(female) Hiccup x (Hybrid) Toothless Where stories live. Discover now