.from my head to my middle finger, i really think i like you.

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.from my head to my middle finger, i really think i like you.

i’m a little coffee pot short, stout, and burnt beyond recognition. Sour to the taste and an and, and an and, and the end.

what a dark mess of chemicals we have become.

look through my caffeinated eyes my love. i see the sun in all its ultra violet glory. it beckons me to abort my life of painstaking procrastination.

….and all i want for x-mas is to fly 2 blunts deep.

i drive for days and sleep for miles, but never a drop to drink. No Control, but not exactly a riot either. fuck me you’re such a riot.

i’ve found healing powers beyond my wildest dreams behind your lips. i am the dinosaur soaring towards extinction. So smoke ‘em if ya got 'em kids…..cause Joe Camel needs the pocket cash. or just read 'em and weep sweetheart cause my royal flush comes with a love note. i bleed spades, you draw horses…..

may the lord strike down our penniless heroes,
for if not we must take matters into our own hands.
everything will be new when we open our eyes for the first time.

so i’ll pick you up at 7 and we’ll have a real shitty time, but at least we’ll have a time. i’d love you to hate my guts if they weren’t already covered in ulcers…ulcers only a mother could love.

so for now peace love and misdemeanors,
cause i plan on being out of step for awhile my dear.

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