The most fearsome assassin

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The threat of the tournament of power hadn't been known- no universes were erased.. all 18 were in tact.

However, this just seemed to throw everything off course from the conventional time..

      —————-Universe 6-—————

One of the many anomalies that resulted because of the Tournament of power never happening is- Hit..
The Legendary assassin..

And Here.. in this timeline.. he was no more, and no less..

A hitman.. and one of the most fearsome at that.

Yet despite his reputation, he still lived outside of his job, and many tended not to bother him.

This night in particular was a difficult one.. Hit was leaning against brick alley wall, his hand cupped around his stomach, lifting it every so often to glance as his bloodied hand. The target was certainly a fighter Hit thought as he thought back to his former contract..

- - - - -

Hit was in the courtyard of an extraordinarily large "fortress." His Target was a criminal known to be in runs with the Ice Demon, Frost- however, the given target.. was said to have an even shorter trigger.

The assassin took a long, drawn out puff of the cigarette he had. The job had always been easy for him.. no need to rush or be serious about his target. He looked around as he took one last drag of his cigarette before he flicked it to the ground, while adjusting the dark red tie of his black suit.

He took a glance at his watch.. almost 2:37 in the morning.. it was almost time. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and slowly, he made his way to the towering structure, rain pelting him lightly. As he moved to the front doors, he took notice out of the corners of his eyes.. he had expected guards. This target was smart, but Hit wasn't worried by the cameos of shifting shadows just out of eye reach...Only 10 steps to the door.


As always, he was calm.. that was his definition of what it meant to be an assassin.. to be calm, cool, strong, and to trust no one.


"Hold it!" A voice sounded off from behind, accompanied by the clicks of almost a dozen high powered firearms. Slowly Hit turned around and sure enough he saw a fleet of men, all armed with their barrels trained on him like Hawk's eyes. Hit counted the men over and over again in his head "....Twelve"
The statement confused the head of the fleet and he snorted before tilting his head slightly "you're the legendary assassin? Hah... not gonna lie- I expected someone scarier.." Hit closed his eyes as the man rambled on and after a moment Hit interrupted him "so you're boss IS expecting me... and he decides to stop me.. with bodies.." The fleet of men howled in a shared and ugly laughter, a mixture of snorts and growls accompanied the laughter. The leader of the group smirked a bit as he raised the gun to Hit's face "oh? 'N why's that Mr. Assassin?" Hit opened his eyes and removed his hands from his pockets and spoke calmly- within malice, but it ringed with a dark foreboding air.

"I counted and made sure.. there's 12 of you.. exactly"

The leader snarled and raised his arm before dragging it down in a fist "Fire!"


However... nothing happened. The man whipped around, baring his teeth and he opened his mouth- presumably to scream 'what the hell are you idiots waiting for?!' Yet.. his mouth formed no words.. it just contorted in a horrified frown as his eyes fell upon his comrades- all of which, were no on the ground in pools of their own blood.

The leader shot back, falling on his butt and knocking into something behind him. He looked up and saw Hit staring at him and on impulse, the man shot up to his feet, his hands shook violently as he gripped the gun- his entire face was soaked in sweat and his eyes were wide as he fumbled through his trembling lips "w-who the hell are you..? Who!?" Hit smirked a little as he raised his fist into the air as he mocked the man "I'm that assassin.. the one you envisioned being scarier... but- I am the most terrifying thing, you will ever come to know..." As Hit cocked his fist back he jutted his arm out forward- and the intention the size and shape of Hit's fist began implanting in the center of the man's head. He didn't get to scream, or cry, or beg.. he just dropped dead as the droplets of rain pulled in with the man's now bleeding and demolished face.

-Within the building-

A man was violently pacing around a rather small office room with a messy desk in its center. The desk would be a dull gray and it would be covered in papers and stains either from the alcohol the room reeked of dried blood. The main in question was rubbing his pale and purple face, grumbling and cursing as he gathered the belongings he deemed important. The man was known as the Devil of the western quadrant and his reputation preceded him- as a business partner of Frost he was an experienced murderer, thief, and gambler. Yet despite this- his usual calm, cool demeanor was all but with him.

He was scrambling around, opening drawers, scattering documents, he even shoved his desk in the door's path. He painted for a moment before he turned back around searching for his weapon- muttering 'come on, come on, come on- please god..'

"Never took you as the religious type.."

The voice had chilled the man's bones and any courage he might've had at that moment was all out the window as he whirled around and saw Hit, standing before him, looking unimpressed. The man fumbled his hands on a table behind him "I-I-I never expected you to get here this quick.." He uttered out in between pants and chuckles, he was a clearly broken man.. his spirit and pride had burnt to ashes once Hit was in his eyesight. Hit had closed his eyes and allowed the man to continue his blabbering, glancing at his watch every now and again to make sure of the time.

"H-ey look man.. I HAD to do this- I- i was in a bad spot.. you gotta know what that's like eh? B-but Frost promised me a life I'd enjoy.. but I don't- I'd take it all back, I promise!"

Hit opened his now narrowed eyes as he muttered under his breath in a cold tone "don't whine to me.. I'm not the cops.. honestly- I couldn't give two shits of who you are or where you came from.." He lifted his hands out of his pockets as he concluded "I'm just here to do my job.." As Hit raised his right fist to the man's head, the man snapped his eyes shut and sputtered out "I-I'm so so s-sorry... that I couldn't have killed you later!" Then the man slung his arm in front of him to reveal to Hit, a shiny revolver- and then..

- - - - -

Hit took a deep breath and glanced down at the hole in his suit, he slightly grumbled a curse. "I always give them last words.. I always do that Tch..." As Hit straightened back off the wall, he wiped the front of his suit and looked around, eventually his eyes rested on a bar. As he walked toward the bar he saw someone out front- it was an The universes' Kai, Fuwa...

"I've been expecting you Mr.Hit.."

He nodded to the Kai in greeting as he reached into his suit and pulled out a new cigarette before lighting it up- he calmly asked:

"Who is my target now..?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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