My Mothers Charity Case

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Sometimes my mothers generosity got the better of her. Sierra Lynn Lancaster, my 42 year old mother--model, singer, actress, amateur dancer, and fashion icon. If you name it, my mother has dabbled in it. Gorgeous features all around, and doesn't look a day over 24 with probably the best personality ever. She's Brazilian, which gives her a Latin flare and super tanned skin that I've heard described as irresistible. I honestly almost vommitted when I head that one, but I've slowly gotten accustomed to it. My birther, the woman lusted over and practically worshipped by many pervy teenage boys, creepy pedophiles, and basically 2,000% of the world. If you claim to hate my mother, you're a freaking liar; it's impossible to feel anything other than awe because she's too freaking kind and charitable.

Her over-charitable tendencies. That's what started this whole mess. But before we get into that, let's continue:

Sierra Lynn Lancaster (age 42) and Jerome Paul Lancaster the II (first string professional football player from a small town in England, adored worldwide) (AN: soccer for Americans) (age 43) married at the young ages of 16 and 17 with parental permission, and moved to California. Cause I mean, who can say no to my mother? Children as follows: Jerome Paul Lancaster the III (High-end lawyer) (age 23), Anastasia Lynn Lancaster (female model) (twin to Jerome) (age 23), and finally Roseanna Carter Lancaster (high schooler) (age 17 11/12).

That's me, Rose. And if you couldn't guess, I'm legal next month. While everyone else in my family is successful, I'm not. I am good at literally nothing, and everyone hates me. I never leave our estate, which would be hard if I wasn't home schooled by a private tutor.

Basically, this all started when I was 13, when my genius of a mother decided that instead of hiring a professional gardener/ lawn mower, she was going to hire a group of 3 14 year old guys to do it as summer jobs. It was as a favor to her best friend, who was one of the boy's mother, who wanted the three boys out of her house.

4 years later, they still come over almost every day sans a couple day in the winter to take care of our lawn and garden. I can't stand even one of them. I always lock myself in my room right before the boys get here, and avoid them like the plague. The only people I ever really talk to are my parents and my two best friends Will and Hannah.

Let's just say as of this morning, the twenty-third of June 2014, I hate my best friends. During an out of control game of Truth or Dare, I was dared to go flirt with the leader of my moms charity case group Dan, and then after five minutes of this, act like he offended me, and flip my shit while bawling.

I REALLY hate my friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2014 ⏰

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