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     You were just minding your own business, listening to music and such, nothing new. Technically speaking, you didn't have many "friends", but a lot of online followers on social media websites, as per usual. But something felt off about today, whether it was the choice you picked a different sub genre of music, or the atmosphere. Something was.. off, one way or another. 

     Snag! You were caught unconscious, may it be of dehydration or drugging, you weren't sure. You felt tipsy, possibly floating in and out of consciousness. Robots, or - machines? You weren't sure. They started chasing you, and you sped away as quickly as you could. Not daring to look back, you sprinted even faster. There was no way you wanted to get caught and possibly die way, way younger than you should. 

     "Leave me alone and let me and my music be!" You shouted.

     It was a stupid remark, but you just wanted peace. But peace was the last thing you were gonna get. Maybe just a little bit of comfort, but the tension creeping onto your shoulders held you as tight as ever.

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