Author's Notes/Disclaimer

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While we're both as excited as you are with the prospect of this crossover...allowing our beloved characters the chance to meet & bond, before we start we need to clarify a couple quick things.

First & foremost this story is intended as an AU story.

By that we mean that this story exists separately & outside of both the Secrets & Eye universes. Any story lines inside this story will have no bearing or reflection on either the Eye or Secrets sagas, and will not be referred to outside of the context of this AU universe.

Some story lines dealt with here will also be addressed in Eye or Secrets, albeit set inside different circumstances & producing alternate outcomes.

While it's not mandatory, we do recommend reading the Secrets saga and Who Am Eye before venturing into this crossover. There's no need to - as this story is separate for a reason - but it will give you some background into the characters, specifically the two leading ladies.

We hope you enjoy this story as much as we do...#staytuned

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