chapter six

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Chapter six


The next morning, I didnt wake up.

Well, I did eventually ofcourse but not exactly the same way I usually do.My alarm didn't bark. Its a bark, Why you may ask, thats because I am not fond of dogs and alarms.If it makes any sense, anyways, I shifted in my bed to look at my phone.Adjusting my eyes to the light, I read the time and date.It was saturday!

People like Kyle take selfies on saturday mornings.

People like Kylie sleep and sleep till forever.People like Janice get ready for malls and parties.People like Ben go swimming or racing.People like me wake up to clean their rooms and cupboards.

After brushing my teeth and holding my hair up in a messy bun, I made my way downstairs towards the kitchen, where Dad was shuffling stuff inside the fridge, while mom was watching some interior decorating show in the living room,holding her cup of tea.


I greeted them both and decided to make breakfast for myself.I really didnt want to eat a 'freshly made' breakfast but it will make my parents think I do stuff and im not lazy, to be precise, I wanted to impress my parents.Im awesome like that.


*a few minutes later*


"OHMYGOD Dani what are you doing?!"My mom entered the kitchen and nearly tripped over the mess I had made.

Let me start off,I wanted to make cupcakes.Why did I want to bake cupcakes so early in the morning?Don't ask.So, I tried and things escalated quickly.It didn't take the eggbeater long to start swishing frantically, I got scared and threw the crazy device on the floor.And somehow I managed to break half a dozen eggs.A few things were also spilled here and there, like the milk and butter.It was all accidental, I swear.

"M-om I can explain!"

"Danielle!Leave this place immediately!Get out!"Mom shouted at me.I wouldn't blame her though, after taking in the sight.

I left hesitantly and quickly ran upstairs to avoid further lectures on being a clutz.When I reached my room I plugged in my headphones and began cleaning mh cupboard, organizing clothes and shoes which made my wardrobe look like a tornado had just struck her,I pulled out everything and sat criss-cross on the floor, with a big pile of everything in front of me.

"Dani"i heard a knock on my door and my mom's face appeared.

"Yes mum?"I turned my head in her direction.

"dear, we're having friends over for dinner, would you mind helping me clean up the house, I already have enough work in the kitchen"she added,"work I cannot trust you with"

I see a bright future ahead of me,a job as a cleaner would suit me just fine.

"Uh sure!I'll be down in a minute!"I answered, in no position to refuse.


When my home was cleaned spotless, I was exhausted so I fell back on my bad and turned my attention towards my phone.Kylie had texted me.

'PICK ME UP FOR LUNCH' Is this an invitation.I quickly typed an answer back.



After replying to her message, I got off my bed and plugged my phone for charging.Making up my mind for a shower, I picked my favorite summer dress.It was a simple strapless dress with a floral pattern printed on soft lilac fabric.I walked to my washroom which is luckily connected to my bed room.Perks of being an only child.

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