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So, I decided to put this here at the beginning so everyone knows and any new readers will know from the start. This fic is based on season 13 but I'm going to change some things. For starters, Cas never died (as some of you already know if you've read this) and Mary was rescued from apocalypse world and does her own hunts. I may write her into the story later. The reason I am doing this is that the boys and Y/N go off hunting which wouldn't fit their personality if Mary was still trapped with Lucifer. Okay, that's all. Enjoy the story!

3rd person POV

"What kind of an idiot thought it was a good idea to go into a huge vampire's nest without knowing how many fangs were actually in there?" Dean said as he evaded an attack, kicking the vampire in the knee then decapitating him with a machete.

"It was your idea, Dean!" Sam replied as he decapitated a female vampire and she fell to the ground in a pile of bodies that was getting bigger and messier the more they fought.

"All right, let's not point fingers when we're about to die again," Dean said. The two brothers stood together now, facing the mass of vampires that were coming out of holes in the ceiling, trapdoors in the floor, everywhere. It soon became too hectic and crowded.

"Sammy, I think we bit off more than we could chew,"

"And whose fault was that?" Sam said in an annoyed tone.

"This really isn't the best time to start arguing!"

"I'm not the one who decided to rush in with no plan just because a vamp pissed me off!"

"We're about to die here! How about let's deal with that for now?"

The vampires were getting closer, the space between the hoard and the brothers smaller and smaller, there were too many for even the Winchesters to handle. 

Sam looked overwhelmed "There shouldn't be this many, the most we've seen in one nest is ten, maybe fifteen but this? There has to be at least forty of them here, maybe even more!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's a freaking mystery, too bad we won't be able to enjoy it because we'll be dead! Or are you not getting that?"

They kept dodging and beheading the vampires that attacked them, jumping out of the group encircling them. But it seemed like for every vamp the brothers killed, two more sprang up. It took all the strength Sam and Dean had left to fend them off. They were growing weaker and would soon become too tired to fight. All hope seemed lost, they were facing death yet again.

"Heads up!" a new voice, too far away to be another vampire.

The boys barely had time to process that when soft wooshes sounded all around them and the vampires started to fall, acid-like burns were visible on some of their backs. The firing stopped, with ten vampires still standing.

"Damn it, I'm out!" the voice said again. "Oh, well," there was the clatter of things falling a few feet away. With fewer vamps in the way, the boys could see they were two specially engineered dart guns. As they looked up they found out who the guns, and the voice, belonged to. There was a woman standing on a ledge where some of the vampires had come from. She jumped off the ledge and landed doing a roll, then stood up again unharmed. Now that she was closer the boys could see she had H/C hair tied in a ponytail and she was wearing a green jacket over a gray shirt, jeans, and dark brown boots that looked worn. She was also wearing some sort of necklace.

As the vampires turned to her she pulled out two machetes that had been strapped to her back and finished the sentence she started before she jumped, "let's have some fun

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As the vampires turned to her she pulled out two machetes that had been strapped to her back and finished the sentence she started before she jumped, "let's have some fun."

She twirled both the machetes in her hands and in one graceful motion decapitated the vampire closest to her. Three more approached her, she ducked an attack from one, roundhouse kicked another in the face and swiftly decapitated the third. The one she roundhouse kicked was on the floor, so she decapitated him too. She put away one of her machetes and instead took out a dagger that was strapped to her belt and coated with a red substance and held it in her right hand. The other vampire tried to attack again and just as she was about to bite, the mystery woman turned and stabbed her in the gut, leaving an acidic burn.

The five vampires left all charged at once from different directions, leaving her little time to react. The huntress ducked, making two vamps crash into each other. She ran at another one and ducked at just the right moment so she slid under her legs and stabbed her in the thigh. she went down. The huntress stood up in front of the vamp that was behind the one she just took out and decapitated him before he had a chance to bite.

The other three vamps, one female and two males, tried surrounding her but she used it to spin and stab one, decapitate the other, and kick the female in the stomach. She fell to the floor and the mystery woman knelt on top of her and held the machete to her throat.

"Are there any more of you here?" she asked. The vampire just snarled. "I'll take that as a no," she said and proceeded to decapitate the vampire.

She knelt there for a minute, then stood back up, put away her weapons, and walked over to where the Winchester brothers were stood, awestruck, especially Dean.

She knelt there for a minute, then stood back up, put away her weapons, and walked over to where the Winchester brothers were stood, awestruck, especially Dean

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"You're welcome for saving your ass," she said, looking slightly annoyed but mostly tired. The boys didn't say anything.

"Well, my name is Y/N, nice to meet you, um...?" the boys stayed quiet, staring. "This is where you say your names,"

"Oh, right," Dean said, "my name is Dean and this is my brother Sam, nice to meet you too Y/N," Dean seemed a little flustered.

"Sam and Dean. Winchester?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's us," Sam said.

"Well it's nice to finally meet the men I've heard so much about, thanks for saving the world by the way," she said with a smile.

Dean smiled back at her for a second, then asked "Hey, what did you do to those vamps? I've never heard of bullets that can drop a fang. Unless it's from the colt,"

"Well it's actually pretty easy," she said as she pulled a dart filled with red liquid out of one of her pockets. "Remember that whole leviathan fiasco? Well I heard the corn syrup people had blood that was poison to vamps, werewolves, ghouls, and shifters so I kept some to use as ammo, it's that sim-" she didn't get to finish her sentence because at that moment a vampire that none of them had seen came up behind her and bit her. The tenth vampire, it must have gotten away in all the commotion.

It took a second for everyone to process what had just happened before someone did something. Sam grabbed the dart and stabbed the vampire in the arm, killing it while Dean caught Y/N as she fell into his arms, unconscious and bleeding from the shoulder.

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