chapter one

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you will understand what the title means when you read pretty much most of the story 


4:30am *Alarm*

Paris: "Ugh, is it time to move already"

Mom: "Paris wake up you have 5 hours till your plane leaves"

Paris gets up showers and gets dress and runs to eat breakfast she hugs her dad and puts her suitcases and bags in the truck. Her mom takes her to the airport she is moving to the fam house Elton already knows and is picking her up

Paris: bye mom

Mom: Bye tell Sam I say hi

Paris: okay love you

Mom: Love you too

(lax airport)

Paris gets off her plane and goes to the exit Elton is waiting in the car for her she goes up to eltons car

Paris: hi Elton

Elton: hey Paris how was the flight

Paris: oh, you know horrible I hate flying

Elton: I get it

They start to drive away to the house

Elton: so are you and Colby good

Paris: yeah why

Elton: I don't know he has been acting a little off

Paris: we haven't spoke in 2 weeks and seen each other in 2 years so I don't know

Elton: why 2 weeks

Paris I been busy with finishing school and work so

Elton: oh okay

They arrive to the house and Elton takes the bags up to Paris room and figures out a plan how to surprise everyone that she is home. He grabs blind folds and calls Kat and Devyn and Amanda down stairs and blind folds them he takes them outside were Paris is.

Elton: okay take off your blind fold

The girls: omg Paris

Kat: Sam is going to freak out he has been telling me he misses you like the past month.

Devyn: we can finally have sleep overs and feel complete because you're here and not over skype

Paris: are the boys home

Kat: Sam and Corey and Aaron are but I haven't seen Colby all day so

Paris: hmmm

Paris goes and surprise each of the boys first Corey then Aaron then finally Sam

Paris: how are we going to surprise Sam

Elton: prank war is going on right now and I could make it a nice prank in a way I guess

Paris: scavenger hunt

Elton: oh yeah

Elton and paris quickly get together a quick scavenger hunt for Sam.

Elton*yells* Sam

Sam: yup

Elton: I doing a prank but its good okay it's a scavenger hunt

Sam: I don't trust you Elton

Elton: ahhah I know

Elton hands Sam his first clue

Sam reads idiot box and telly are names for this machine Orpah, house and C.S.I on it are weekly seen.

Sam: the tv

Sam goes to the living room tv and finds a nothing notes it reads I keep send it merch in there its always clean and my office. Sam goes to the garage. And finds the last note it reads congrats you're on your last note when your feeling less then fresh there is only one place to go to wash and get all squeaky and clean.

Sam: my bathtub?

Elton: I don't know go check

Sam goes up to his bathroom and his bathroom curtains are closed he opens them and paris is sitting there

Sam: omg wait what

Paris ha hi

Paris gets up and get out of the tub and hugs Sam. Sam has the biggest smile on his face

Sam: wait how long are you staying here

Paris: I live here now.

Sam: wait I need to text Colby

Paris : no I need to surprise him well I want to 

Sam: um

Paris: I have a brilliant Idea make him seem like he's crazy

Elton: huh

Paris: I got this we need to go to Costco

Sam: okay?

Paris: I'm going to drive my car you guys take Sam's or Elton's I'm going to walk around Costco and make him seem like he sees me but tell him I'm still in kanas. Elton, I need your phone

Elton: Why

To use it to text him I'm going to call Sam on mine and when we meet at Costco ill give it back when Colby isn't around

Elton: alright here

Paris goes to her car and they go to Sam's

Paris gets on Elton's phone and text Colby she gets on her phone and calls Sam

K Sam can you hear me


Okay I'm texting Colby right now to ask where he is


Two miles from home

Take a left when u exit the gate ill follow behind pick him up and I will follow to Costco and ill go in 5 mins after you guys


Did you find him


Okay gtg meet you there

to be continued...

let me know if you like this story so far :)

A Colby brock story her life in CaliforniaWhere stories live. Discover now