The first day

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Hey what's up. I'm Berkeley McTyre. I'm fourteen years old and I'm starting my first day of eighth grade today. I'm older than the other boys and girls in my grade because I got held back when I was in like first grade, so I'll be turning fifteen on April 19.

I woke up to my older brother and sister (who are twins) screaming at each other just like every other morning. They are both seventeen and my sister is Katie and my brother is Dylan John. Katie and D.J don't get along anymore because D.J slept with Katie's best friend over the summer, her name is Sam and if I was gonna speak the truth, she is one hottie with a body.
"Berkeley! Get the fuck down here!!" My mom shouted from down the stairs of my house. My mom is not one to censor herself around a child's presence. She could give a rat's ass in all honesty.
"Coming mom!!!" I just quickly responded as I was jumping out of my bed.
"You look like hell." Penelope mumbled. Penelope is my little sister. She's 18 months younger than me and it sucks having a sister one year younger than you. She can't wait to rat me out on EVERYTHING I do wrong. She has the worse attitude out of all of us.
Oh, I should probably give the rundown. My mom is a crazy Italian, single mother and works as a bank clerk in the day time and at night is a bartender. My father left when I was about four years old. From what I remember, he seemed like an ass who beat my mom all the time and abused my older siblings. Being the middle child kinda sucks. I forgot to mention, but I have a ten year old little sister named Mary Katherine. Her and Penelope are by far the favorites.

"Time for school! Everyone in the car!!!!!!!" mom decided to blow our eardrums on this one. She talks so loud that someone from across the country could probably hear her.

Once we arrived at my good for nothing middle school, Gertrude Township Middle school, I saw all the kids I hated before the ones I liked. Paige, Ryan S. , Donatello, Emma K. , and last but not least, the Ferguson twins. Joseph and Javiah. Those are all the kids I hate. They all think their better than everyone. They're basically the preppy assholes of the school. The people I hang out with are in the no social placement category. We're not weird, band geeks, nerds, jocks, preps, were none of it. We keep our distance and keep in the neural zone with everyone. My friends consist of Kaleb, Mike, Isabelle, and Daniel.

First period went by smoothly, same with second, third, and fourth. But fifth period gym, was a completely different story. Our gym teacher, Mr. Tinnechi, was only twenty seven years old and was married to a very pretty nurse named Kelly. That's about all we know about his personal life. He never told us anything else besides that his wife had a miscarriage last March. 

Mr. Tinnechi has always had a weird obsession with talking to Miss Joffrey. Miss J. Was a single lady who was only about twenty three and fresh out of college. She started working at the school last year in May as a teachers assistant. She still is a T.A but, now she goes into the girls locker room to like supervise or some shit. That's what Mr. T. Has to do with us since there is only one gym teacher.

Mr. T was super excited to talk to Miss J. Today! It was awkward, very awkward.
"Meghan! How've you been? It's been a minute since we've met up!"
"Richard! I've missed talking to you. Let's meet up later after work."
After Miss Joffrey finished her conversation with him, she unexpectedly groped his hand in a different manor that would be considered appropriate.
Well, I suppose this is going to be the rest of the year. :(

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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