-Hermione Learns The Truth-

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  The afternoon after the school registering, they were all enjoying Remus's great dinner when Hermione asked,

"Lily, do you know why my parents died? My aunt and uncle always told me that they died in a car accident, but I don't think they were telling the truth."

"You will know that when you're older, Hermione"

"Come on Lily, she needs to know the truth. She will go crazy not knowing why she's famous."

Hermione's fork falls on her plate with a clatter.

"I'm famous?" She scowled and crossed her arms and stared, like she always did when she thought people were kidding with her.

Lily sighed.

"Here's what happened, Hermione.

Once, there was a very evil wizard.
His name-was Lord Voldemort.
He was gaining power, and he kept getting people to join him. They are known as Death Eaters.
Voldemort threatened people to join him, and if they didn't-He didn't give mercy. He killed them all.

Soon, he was beginning to kill for fun. His friends were rather his servants and slaves. The death eaters also killed and tortured muggles, muggle-borns, people who refused to join the dark lord, and just any random people.

One night, Voldemort came into your house.

He wanted your parents to join him, as slaves and baits, he had no other use for them, for they were muggles, they had no magic inside them.

But your parents refused to join him. They were acknowledged of magic, however. They knew you were going to be a witch, and they were proud. Your parents died protecting you, Hermione. And that is a proud way to die. 

You have a scar on your forehead Hermione, because Voldemort tried to kill you too. But somehow, he didn't. He lost his power. Some say he's gone. But he might still be somewhere, waiting for some of his faithful servants to help him gain power again. But that's why you're famous, Hermione. Voldemort couldn't touch you. You were only a baby, and he couldn't touch you. And that remains a mystery still today. That is why your parents died. They died protecting you, and they had enough courage to refuse Lord Voldemort."


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