about kitty

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name: kitty

hair colour: black

personality: cheeky and annoying / cute 

fav colours: aqua and pink

accessories: locket, bracelet 

info: just found out she's a demon neko

boyfriend: yoosung

best friend: luna

age: 21

back story: was put in an orphanage at the age of 3, got adopted at 5 disowned her. once they realised she was a neko, she lived on the street since she was 6. she then found yoosung at the age of 17 and they've been friends ever since then she met luna.

hair: long 

clothes: skits, tights, long and short sleeved shirts, black boots 

hobbies: singing an dancing 

work: no employed 

eye colour: hazel

words 102

bye~bye =^.^=

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