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"Mina! Stop it!"Her mom is always shouting at her name but she won't Listen.

"Mina!"Mina grab a Knife and Smash it with its teddy Bears from his Boyfriend Hong Joshua.

"Don't come near me Mom!"Mina go into her room and Locked all the doors and Windows.

All day,She was playing with its knife.Her mom is always scared and worried,She don't want her daughter get Hurt.But she don't have anything to do,Her daughter is getting Scarrier.

After how many years,Mina Changed.She became a B*tch and haters of Boys.Her life becomes Hell when Hong Joshua entered into her life.She don't talk to her Mother,She usually get inside to her Room after School time.

And all the Student in Blue Emerald University Called Mina :Lady Mina.She is the Princess/Queen Bee of the BEU.They are scared of Mina.Myoui Mina is Silent but When you Do something that she don't like? Prepare yourself.

Play with my feelings,I'll make your life shorter than 3 seconds. ~Myoui Mina.


Falling is Hard

Confessing is Hard

When you're Mine?

You're always in my Mind

Hurt me,then don't come back

When I see you again?

Keep out because I'm letting you

Sleep with your Blood.

~Myoui Mina's Motto

Mina's Blue Precious Knife🔪

Mina's Blue Precious Knife🔪

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