Chapter 7:

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Lauren's POV:

After killing more zombies than I'd killed in these past three months, it was hard to convince Camila that Shawn was fine when I knew he wasn't; this city was ridden.

"Come on," I said and pulled Camila by her arm after giving the streets the once over. "Where do we go from here?"

Camila's breathing was uneven as she scanned the area in search of signs. "I think it's this way." She told me, marching forward.

The younger woman had only been to see Shawn twice since he moved to New York five months ago, therefore she was having a hard time remembering her way. It was frustrating because I knew all of this was a waste of time, Shawn was dead – but I would never say that to her until she saw it herself. I took a deep breath and kept my mouth shut for the next fifteen minutes.

"This is it." Camila confirmed, eyeing up the desolate building that read 'Pace University'. I could feel my breathing getting heavier as I tried to contemplate what I would say when Camila and I would lay eyes on a zomibified Shawn. I'd experienced seeing a loved one that way now, and I was a lot stronger than I imagined Camila would be in that situation.

"Are you okay?" The brunette asked, placing her hand gently on my arm after I'd been silent for a good ten seconds.

I gave her a soft smile and nodded, making my way towards the entrance of the building with my grip tight on the weapon in my hand.


"Lauren, watch it!" Camila yelled and aimed her weapon to something behind me which I hadn't seen. I spun to see a figure reaching its arms towards me and I quickly dived to the ground so Camila could make a clear shot, which she did. The undead fell to the ground and I started to stand up, brushing the splatter of my new jeans. "That's the fourth one, Laur."

I smiled sympathetically because what else could I do? Lie to her and say everything was going to be okay? I grabbed my trusty bag which had fallen to the floor and threw it over my shoulder. "Come on."

"His door number is 10B." Camila announced, tightening her loose pony as we started to make our way down another corridor. I examined the blood stained walls that were once cream, the stained carpet that was covered in dust, broken glass and liquid spillage. The lights above us were providing no light at all as we walked wearily beneath them.

"Here," I heard and focused my eyes on Camila who stood in front of Shawn's dorm room. She eyed up the door anxiously and nibbled on her bottom lip before looking over at me for some sort of reassurance and encouragement, I imagined. All I could do was give her another tight smile and gesture towards the door for her to open it.

When her hand grazed the handle, I subtly shuffled closer to her and forced myself to keep my eyes on whatever would be behind that door.

"Should I knock?" Camila's voice startled me for a minute and I released a loud sigh.

"No, just open the door. Jesus." I complained, shaking my head lightly before focusing myself again.

The Cuban turned the handle slowly and then gently pushed the door so it would open – which it did, with a loud creak that made me flinch. I followed her lead when she started taking careful steps into the room.

It wasn't in the state I imagined it to be; the living room was fairly tidy and there wasn't that much dust. The curtains were drawn back with a window slightly cracked open and I felt my eyebrows starting to furrow.

The two of us loosened up slightly at the sight we were no longer used to. I decided to examine the kitchen which was attached to the front room, spotting a mini fridge on top of the counter.

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