Shopping// 1

27 1 1

Not edited. That is winter and summer^^ just imagine their hair is darker. 

Give me back my poptart!" Nessa,  the 15 year old loud mouth yelled. I'm on the 6th floor and i can still hear her.

"Nuh uh!" Leighton my twin yelled from down there. And people wonder why I'm not a nice person. Having 26 siblings is hard.

 Yes 26. My dad is a manwhore. Not all of us have the same mother. Kai and Kye the 17 year old twins obviously do. Same goes to Grey and Wolfie who are 18. But when it comes to Leighton and me, We are 16, my younger brother Blake and my younger sister, Mercedes all have the same mom.

Yeah, it is hard having 26 siblings. Even if they're half siblings. I probably have more running around here. We all live with our dad, who apparently hates condoms and women on birth control. He had his first kid at age 16, who's name is Xavier and is 30 now. My dad is rich, which helped him in court. He owns the biggest company in the world. Evans Inc. ( A/N totally made up )

"Winter! Get your lazy ass up!!" Okay so my first name isn't actually Winter. Winter is my middle name, my first name is Adelaine. My twin, Leighton gets called Summer. Because apparently Leighton and Adelaine is to hard to pronounce. 

My door bangs open, which rarely happens because my room is on the highest floor. The elavator hasn't been working for a while now. But the pro is, I get the whole level! Theres a bathroom, my bed room, the ladder to the roof, the only balcony, a game room, a mini kitchen and a living room space. "Winter!  Stop zoning out and get up! We have to go school shopping today!"

My first thought was, kill me now. I glare at Kai. Noticing Kye right behind Kai, I glare at him too. You see, we just moved,  and in that move,  Dad made us throw out all of our clothes. Which for Arya was TORTURE. Arya is your every day slut. Thinks she is perfect and has had to spend 10,000 dollars every time we go shopping. She  has the platinum blonde hair and the classic blue eyes. I love teasing that I'm older than her. 6 months older than her. In our family, you could be two days older then someone. So there are numerous people the same age.

"Okay okay. I'm up. I'll be down in 15." They leave my room, finally. I heave myself up. I go to my closet to remember it's empty. I see my black bag that has two outfits in it and grab it. Pulling out black ripped jeans, and a white loose tee, I slip it on.

Walking down the stairs, I see 26 kids and adults yelling. Cute two year old Scarlett sitting at the kitchen table eating ice cream calmly, I run over to her grabbing a spoon and digging in the ice cream.

"You know Winter, if you keep eating like that, your gonna get fat" Arya the bitch said.

"Oh, so im going to be like you?" I replied calmly while still eating ice cream. I believe Arya can be nice. Just somewhere deep deep deep down there. Maybe right next to the place her hearts supposed to be.

She just scoffs and walks away. Why dad did you have to be such a whore? "Kids! Get in your cars! Take the little ones and off to the mall we go. Once we get there, meet up in the food court." Dad yelled at us.  Hes not that bad of a Dad. Just forgets our names every once and a while. I mean, who wouldn't with 27 kids?

I go into our garage, we had 4 add ones to the already 12 car garage. When you have 16 kids 16 or older and they like cars, plus being the richest family alive helps. I got into my dark blue Lamborghini and ushered as many kids that could fit with Leighton in my passenger seat. Mercedes, my adorable blonde hair blue eyes full 4 year old sister was in the car along with Blake, my 5 year old brown hair blue eyed full brother, and Haze, who's 15 with black hair and pale blue eyes. Haze isn't full, but in  this family,it doesn't matter.

We arrive at the mall 10 minutes later. Seeing I'm one of the first ones there, I decide to wait until Kai and Kye get here. I'm really close to Kai, Kye,Grey,Wolfie,Ace,Sawyer, Haze, January and some of the little ones. So, not Nessa, who follows Arya' s footsteps,and Arya.

A car pulls up next to me, seeing that it's Kai, Kye, Wolfie,Grey,and Ace, I nod my head. When we were little, we moved a lot, and we were all dramatic, so we created signals. The head nod was a dramatic entrance. Seeing that everyone was staring, and there were alot our ages, why not? Acting as if we were in a movie, we all exit the same time, slowly. I shake out my hair, while doing so, seeing that the other cars , Lola,January,Sawyer (who was alone) and the rest of my older siblings were also being dramatic.

I grabbed little Mercedes and placed her on my hip while Leighton held Blake's hand. "Sissy?" Blake calls everyone one of his sister's Sis. Except Leighton and me. He calls is Sissy, since were his full sister's.

"Yes Sweetie?" I ruffle his hair making his adorable face  wrinkle up. " Can I have a milkshake?!"

"Of course, you can all have one." He face immediately brightens.


"Okay kids, you all have your credit cards, take the younger ones shopping too. Stay together and keep your phone's on you!" My dad told all of us.

Well this is going to be hard.

I walk off with Mercedes and the better older siblings follow me. Including some little ones. I walked into a random kid store. At the same time, Blake and Mercedes both said "ohh. Ohh. I want that one!"

At the end of shopping for them, Blake had gotten, 16 graphic tees, mostly batman ones, 8 pairs of jeans, 7 sweatpants, 4 pairs of shoes, 11 long sleeves, 8 pairs of shorts, and 2 jackets. Mercedes has, 10 dresses, 5 pairs of shorts,22 skirts, 9 shirts, 8 pair of shoes, and 8 pairs of shorts and leggings. It was already 2:00 pm. We got here at 9:00 am. And this was only shopping for two little kids.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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