Chapter 5: Im not failing you! (Kadences POV)

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I jumped up onto a roof and held my yo-yo down so Adrian could hang on, he grabbed it and was careful not to fall. "Kadie, we need to get there fast, he could kill Plagg." Adrian said as he worried. I nodded and saw the sun setting. I knew this was going to be a long night. I went onto another roof that was close, Adrian could jump to it.

-time skip-

I waited outside, I sat there, I couldn't just wait for him! I went inside to find Plagg on the floor. "Plagg!" I ran to him and picked him up. "Mari..?" Huh? Was he talking about the old LB? "No Plagg, she's gone. I'm the new one." I said sadly. Me and Mari where close. "How long have I been gone?" "10 years.." "Wait, where is Adrian!?" Plagg freaked out. "I-I don't know Plagg, I'm trying to find him but..." I said very worried. "Well well well, there is the bug!" I heard someone say above me. "WHERE DID YOU PUT HIM!?" I screamed. "Ohh, your Black Cat?" "WHERE IS CHATON!?" I screamed once again. "Gone, you'll have to find him, good luck!" I heard them teleport. "Plagg, we need to go back!" I carefully grabbed Plagg and put him on my shoulder. "Hold on Plagg." I started running back to the house as fast as I could to tell Rubie and Skylar what happened.

Adrian Agreste, I'm going to find you, and I'm going to take that ackumma out!

I arrived back home and opened the door as fast as I could. " RUBIE!?" I screamed. "Kadie!? Omg are you okay!? Where is Adrian!?!" She said as she hugged me. "Rubie, Adrian is missing." "He's... what?" "Missing, he's gone, I found Plagg but he's gone." I said as I backed away. "KC? We'll find him, he has his ring on, I can try to track him." Plagg said as he appeared. "I hope so.." I said as I detansformed. "Oh Kadence, we'll find him." Tiki said as she appeared. I sat there almost crying. " YOU DONT UNDERSTAND TIKKI, PLAGG!  WE NEED TO FIND HIM.... now....!" I started seeing Chat Noir. "Kadence? Kaden..." I couldn't hear Rubie, I fell to the ground. "LB? What is wrong with you?" I heard Chat say. "I-I don't know, I can't loose you... or fail you..." "Kadence you'll never fail me, remember what I said years ago?" "N-no..." "You'll never fail me, I still love you, even if we break up, or maybe after years, I will love you, you'll never fail me, just know that, when you see me again, say these words." Chat said, I was confused. "I missed you, Chaton, you scared me." "Why would I say that?" "Because, you said that to me 5 years ago."

Then Chat disappeared. "Tikki? What wrong with KC and Plagg?" "I have no.." Tikki sees me get up. "KADENCE!" I heard the high pitched voice of my Kwami. "I know how to find him." "We saw the same thing KC.. He told you.." "I know Plagg, which means he is in he same place I said that to him..." I said, I didn't remember... "THE TOWN HALL!" Plagg yelled. "Jeez Plagg!" Rubie said as if she was scared/mad/so many emotions happening at the same time. I hugged Rubie really tight. "Rubie, I know the last time I did this I got knocked out, so I want you to stay close to me, stay in a van at least 1/2 miles away from me, oh btw do you have some cookies?" "Ye—" Tikki then interrupting Rubie while she was talking by flying into the kitchen. She came back then helped me transform. "Let's go!" I said. "Is Skylar here?" "Yeah... why?" "SKYLAR WE NEED YOUR HELP!" Skylar came down the stairs slowly. "Hmm?" "Skylar, I need you to stay by Rubie." "Okay..?" "In a can." "A can?" "No a Van!"

-time skip-

"HAHA! You'll never find him!" I was angry, more then ever. "Where is Adrian!?" She laugh. "Do you really think I'll tell you?" "Yes, I will."

Cliff Hanger? Hahaha!

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