Chapter 13

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~.~.~.~ Cameron's POV ~.~.~.~

I jumped in my car and drove as fast as I could to Rose's house. I took the exact same way as I drove when I let her off, to be sure that nothing happen on her way home. I passed all the signs and red lights that told me to stop. I didn't have that time to lose, I needed to know that Rose was safe and sound. Ad I reached her house I couldn't believe my eyes, the lightning struck her down.

''NOOOOO!'' I screamed my lungs out. I stopped the car and ran straight to Rose, her dad most have seen the accident because he just got out from their house door. ''Rose don't die on me! Breath! Pete call an ambulance now!'' I shouted as loud as I could. Pete was in chock, he just nod and called the ambulance. I checked fb her heart beat and if she breath, she didn't do any of it. I began with CPR trying to give some life back to her. Damn wolf, why did he have to do this to her! I kept on in 5minutes, nothing change and no signs of life. I didn't give up. She had to wake up, but I couldn't continue. Some ambulance men dragged me away from her and carried her to the ambulance car. From there I couldn't see a thing they did to her. I only knew that they brought her further and further away from me. I could feel how my heart died and broke into a million pieces.

~.~.~.~ Roseline's POV ~.~.~.~

Is this a dream? Or am I dead? I don't know. It is so bright, almost like someone had a bright light just in front of my eyes. But what am I wearing? A white dress? What is this, the colour I have to wear to be accepted into heaven or something? And my hair, wait where is my hair? I couldn't feel any hair on top of my head when I touched it with my head, I was bald. Did I have cancer in heaven? Or is this also a rule to be accepted in? Or is this my worse nightmare?

The scenario change and it turned dark, I know wore a dark black dress with dark red details, my hair was back and it was braided but messy. I had long nails, like they were claws. What's happening to me. And to be more exact, who is me?

''Will she ever wake up from the coma?'' A dark voiced asked, I couldn't recognise the voice. Did I know this person, and if I did, who was he? I wanted to open up my eyes, but they were too heavy. I wanted to show that I was there, awake, but my body didn't want to listen to me.
''Give her some time. She will wake up, but it can take a few more days, or month. You have to be patient.'' A female voice said. She sounded intelligent. Who was she? I definitely knows that I have never heard that voice before. ''If you need anything just press the blue button.'' I could hear a door open up and close, and the intelligent female was now gone. Silent fell down over the room. Please someone speak up, I don't want to be alone. I can feel how the darkness tried to take me back so please talk!

A few more days passed and no sign of presence in the room. Did they give up on me, or did I become deef? I had to wake up now or I would become insane, only being able to hear my own mind made me crazy and I couldn't live like this much longer. I could feel how my eyes still were as heavy as always, but I had try open them up. I had nothing to lose so why not? It felt like a hundred pounds, how could it be so hard. But I am strong, or so I think, so I have to keep on trying. I tried and tried, and after a few minutes I could see a door open up in front of me as bright light covered my sight. They were open. I could see, but it was too light. But I couldn't close the eyes now, or they might never open up ever again.

I looked around. Where am I? I do not recognise this room. It was white, depressing, and ugly. Why am I here! This is not the right place for me, I could feel it. Something was wrong, but I couldn't put a finger on it. And where was all the people? The room was filler with voices a few days ago, did the abandon me? I didn't know what to do. I panicked. I was alone, I didn't want that. I felt how my heart beat faster and my breathing became heavier. Tears run down my cheeks and I began to shiver. Why was it so cold in here? I remember the intelligent women speak about a blue button for help, I looked around and saw no blue button. I panicked. What to do! As I turned my head from on side to another I saw a blue button. Could it be this one? I didn't care if it was the right button or the on that would destroy the whole planet. I pressed it as hard as I could, and I didn't let it go. I waited and waited. Was it supposed to take this long! After a few minutes a women came into the room as looked as chocked as myself. ''You are awake'' she said, it was the intelligent women. She was a doctor. She run out and as she came back more people arrived. Who were they?
''Rosaline you are awake!'' they burst out. Rosaline? Who was that.

''Excuse me, but I think you got the wrong room. I am not 'Rosaline'. I am.....'' Who was I? Why didn't I remember my name? ''More important than my name. Who. Are. You?!''

''She got amnesia'' the doctor said.

''What?'' A boy stepped into the room with flowers in his hand. He had hazel brown eyes. They were beautiful. But the boy dropped the flowers and run to the bed, looked back at the doctor. ''What do you mean she got amnesia?!''
''See for yourself'' the doctor said.

''Rose? It's me, Cameron. Please tell me you know who I am''. He was desperate. Why did he care? I do not know who he is, why should I?

''Please, get away from me. I do not know who you are, or any of you in here. Please, I'm afraid.'' The boy did step back, slowly. He looked crushed. Like someone just died. I felt a bit sorry for him, but why care for someone I didn't know.

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