Chapter One- Meet the Doctor

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There's only one Monday I've ever enjoyed- the day I met the Doctor.

I was having a normal walk around London Shopping Centre, just having a wander about, when there was a thundering crash in the distance. Naturally, I ran right of the shopping center to find it. After a few minutes of scanning around, I saw a flash of movement in a small alleyway.  Upon closer inspection, I realized it was one of the old-fashioned police boxes, still painted blue. All of a sudden, a man strode out of it, with a nonchalant, yet curious expression.

I'll admit it- he was pretty hot. Not in that jockey, "Yeah, I work out!" kind of way, but in a sweet, nerdy way. A hot geek. His scruffy, dark brown hair has cut short, and a large pair of glasses weirdly complimented his face. Behind the frames lay a pair of wonderful eyes that seemed to slightly alter between blue and brown.

All of a sudden, he turned in my direction, and I found myself rooted in place.  And I may or may not have slightly squeaked in panic as he strode toward me.

"Excuse me, miss. Can you tell me when we are?" His voice was smooth as butter, and overflowed with intelligence.

"I- I- Come again? What do you mean by when?"

"When are we, what year, what day?"

"Well, it's July 17th, 2009, if that's what you mean. Do you mind my asking how you don't know... and where you came from for that matter?"

"I wish I could answer those myself. Walk with me?" He didn't wait for an answer as he strode into the street. I hesitated only a moment before running to catch up to him.

"So," I started, slightly out of breath, "What can you tell me?"

"A bit personal for a first meeting, don't you think?" Even as he spoke, he caught a mischievous glint in his eye, and gave a lopsided grin. Did I mention he was adorable, yet?

"Would you like to discuss this over a second meeting, then? Perhaps dinner?" I caught my breath as I waited for the answer.

"Why, that sounds delightful. Shall I meet you at the same place tonight, around 8 o’clock?"

"It sounds like a plan." I tried to limit the sheer giddiness in my voice.

Then he did something unexpected. He grabbed my hand, gave it a gentle kiss- much like a knight in old fairy tales- and said, "Until tonight." Then he winked and smiled his goofy, endearing smile.

I watched as he strode back toward the police box, not daring believe that truly happened to me.

After two hours of obsessive changing, talking to myself in paranoia, and a slight panic attack, I was ready for dinner.

I had done my hair up in a simple bun and was wearing a cute, frilly summer dress that went to my ankles. This way I was dressed up enough if he wore a suit or casual enough if he wore jeans. My makeup was done just right so I looked like myself, only slightly better.

Finally, I arrived at our rendezvous. My hands were shaking I was nervous. He strode toward me with that look on his face once again.

"Hello, my lady."  He took my hand, "I have a great place for dinner in mind." We walked hand in hand down the street.

After a minute or so of comfortable silence, I began the conversation. "You never told me your name, you know. Well, actually I forgot to ask." Well, there goes my plan to not be awkward.

"I go by The Doctor."

"Doctor Who?"


"Okay, then. I'm Kylie. Kylie Namat."

"Kylie. That's a pretty name."

"Thank you. It was a birthday present." We both laughed.

"Here we are." The restaurant was one of those old-fashioned diner with amazing burgers and fries.

After ordering, I looked up at him- still quite nervous- and asked, "So, what can you tell me about yourself."

His brow wrinkled like he was trying to remember something from years passed. "Hmm, where should I begin?"

"The beginning I suppose."

“Please keep in mind, I don’t remember very much at all. But I promise I’ll tell you as much as I can.” He looked as nervous as I was.

 I put my hand over his and answered, “It’s fine. Just tell me as much as you’re able. How can I expect anything else of you?”

“Very well.” He sighed. “I don’t remember home. I don’t remember having parents, a home, a childhood. I try to invent it, make something up and see if it rings a bell, but to no avail. The only flash of a memory I have is a few seconds of fire. The fire was all around. Unfortunately, not the best thing to remember from your childhood.”

“The rest of my memory is like watching a video in fast forward. I see various things I’ve done- all quite exciting it seems- and one thing sticks out to me. I’ve had many faces.” I must have had a strange expression on my face because he started to worry, “Please don’t look at me that way! I know it sounds insane and impossible- but it’s true. If there’s anything I am sure of, it’s that I’m somehow special. I have some kind of ability to die and live again.” 

I wanted to say he’s absurd, that no sane person would believe him. However, something inside me stirred, and I knew it to be true- no matter how unbelievable the concept. “I believe you.”


“Really. I trust you, Doctor.”

All of a sudden, he got a really tender look on his face. My mind was pulled once again to how attractive he looked. We just sat there and stared into each other’s eyes for either seconds or hours. I thought this type of feeling only happened in books and movies. I gathered all my courage and started to lean forward. To my pleasant surprise, he did too. In what felt like slow motion, we both reached to close the difference between us.

And then someone screamed.

I was so close! We came with an inch of each other. Then I realized my train of thought and felt a wave of guilt. It was a kiss from a guy I’d met today or someone’s real needs. Obviously the kiss could wait. We both stood from our table a rushed from the restaurant.

“Can you just wait here while I investigate?” He asked 

“Not in my lifetime. Let’s go.”

And so we rushed into the dusk, the table forgotten behind us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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