Chapter I

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"I feel like I'm on a Disney show!"
Hunk said happily as he grabbed his apron
"Why?" Pidge sighed, really tired.
"Because im working with my friends and that's only possible if we're in a Disney movie." He pouted.
"Whatever." She sighed as Lance ran in
"Am I late!?" Lance said
"No you're right on time, idiot."
She smiled sarcastically.
"Haha very funny Pidgeon. Anyways-"
"Get to work, come on get off of your butts!" Coran the manager yelled.
"I still can't believe Shiro let him be the manager instead of me! I'm perfect manager material!"
Lance pouted
"Sure you are." Pidge and Hunk said as they both laughed.

Lance's P.O.V
I, Lance McClain is the cashier. Therefore I must help the customers get what they want and when they want it. I thought being the cashier was gonna be fun! Until I saw a familiar mullet.
"Uh, hey I heard this place is new right?"
Keith said as he looked like a bad boy from the early 90's.
"Y-yeah! It is new and I-I'm I know you?" I asked.
"Well I'm always near the skatepark all day so you've probably seen me there." He rolled his eyes.
"Anyways I would like the strawberry mocha latte and your number." Keith winked
"Holy shit. I mean okay coming right up!"
I squealed grabbing the nearest cup and doing putting it under the machine, once I did it I grabbed the cup and wrote my number on it.
"What's your name again?" I asked
"Keith. Keith Kogane." He said as I wrote his name.
"Here you go I hope you enjoy it. And I decided to write the number on the cup because let's face it people like to throw the receipts away."
I laughed as he grinned a little
"Catch ya later." He waved goodbye.
"P-Pidge?" I said
"what lance?" Pidge said, taking off her headphones.
"I'm gonna faint." I said as he fell and Hunk caught me "thanks bud." I smiled.


Sorry this might be short but I'm still new to writing fanfictions sorry babes!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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