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Heyyyy! This is my second book on wattpad! Please don't be harsh. I accept constructive criticism but I'm not friendly to rude people so chill. Respect me I'll respect you.

Anyways comment on what are your thoughts and what you think happened after she blacked out? Did he escape and leave her? Or did she get out herself? Maybe he fought for her and they escaped? State your predictions😊👌

Don't forget to like and comment on what you think. The next chapter will be out next week Saturday or Friday.


Hope y'all enjoy🌴💕



My older brother roughly grabbed my shoulder, urging me to go.

Witches seldom have children, and we were the only two of this "beloved" coven. Still alive anyways. I peeped through the small horizontal crack in the cement wall. And watched the massacre of the strongest coven in the world. The slaughter of my friends and even then I could not cry. They were going to the moon.

My mother had hurriedly shoved Dimitrios and I behind it and into a dark passageway, so we never got in the cross fire.

Witches versus werewolves.

An inevitable war, I suppose. But why this coven?

I shrugged my brother's hand off to look, I had to see.

Through the crack, I spotted a tall, muscular man. He exuded power and royalty. Just by looking at his stance I felt intimidated. He had a scar that vertically traveled from the middle of his eyebrow, down his eye and ending at his chin. That did not help with the intimidating factor.

He was obviously an Alpha, a strong one.

"There were five children here. Only three are dead. Where is the remainder.",he barked at my mother.

She swiftly raised her hand to work a spell but was stopped when his fingers snaked around her neck. Slowly, he raised her off of the ground.

Her petite body dangled in the air like a voodoo doll against the brick wall, opposite to the one I was behind.

"You have killed them all.",my mother lied.

"Do not lie to me, witch.", he spat, his fingers tightened around her throat.

Indignation was written all over her face as she spat back, "Even if there was any left, I would never tell you, wolf."

He sighed, as if he believed that what he was about to do next was something merciful. Something he needed to do for the good of his kind.

"Forgive me.",he whispered in Latin as he glanced up at the ceiling for a brief moment. As if he was remorseful! As if he felt sympathetic!

And for the first time in years, I saw fear written all over my mother's melanin induced face.

Tears brimmed the corner of her eyes, he put his hand on the crown of her head and effortlessly snapped her neck, as he yanked his hand to the side. And in a careless manner, he flung her lifeless body to the side.

The sickening crunching of the bones in her neck made me scream out. But it was cut short by my Dimitrios' slender hands covering my mouth. My body writhed in his arms, urging for him to let me go. To help her. But he spun me around to face him and shook me.

"She's dead, Dalaina. We cannot help her.",his voice was raw with emotion. It sounded brittle and scared but also determined. Determined to escape.

And together we raced through the dark pasaageway, leaving my heart with my mother. When we came to an end, there was a ladder. Dimitrios made me climb first but I could not open the trap door above my head. I came back down and he climbed up instead. He pushed up with all his might and the door flung open, it screamed out in protest to the sudden force. Probably in inertia for centuries.

A loud bang was heard, as if a wall was broken, then a frightening growl echoed throughout the passageway.

My brother quickly hauled himself through the space and looked down at me, as I began to climb the ladder with great haste and urgency. But as soon as my hand met his.

Something latched onto my left ankle. Something with golden eyes that glowed in the dark.

A werewolf.

I glanced up at my brother as he yelled my name. I smiled solemnly at him, tears glistening my face as they streamed from my chestnut orbs. I was going to die.

He yelled out my name once more as he held onto me with all his strength, yet the sheer power of this single wolf was too much.

I mouthed that I loved him and he began to shake his head.

"Don't you dare give up!",he mumbled, through gritted teeth and held on with his other hand, his body beginning to slip down into the hole in the process.

I began to pull my hand away from him, I couldn't have him dying too. Dimitrios can't die because of me, he can't, he just cannot.

"Dalaina no!",he cried out.

But it was too late, my hand slipped from his and my body proceeded to be rigorously, dragged down the ladder. To my impending death.

A deafening scream escaped my parched lips as a hot pain, seared through the crook of my neck. It was then that an unknown power, had surged through me and everything went black.


Hey y'all💕

Don't forget to like and comment on what you think. The next chapter will be out next week Saturday or Friday.

Question: Where are y'all from?

My ans: Trinidad and Tobago🌴❤


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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