OwO what's this??

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Ania and Arikasu were walking to school, Ania explaining to Arikasu that killing someone and going to jail at the age of 16 would NOT be worth it when Ania desu suddenly bumped into someone.

???: Woah, careful there *holds onto Ania's arm and pulls her up*

Arikasu: is this seriously how you are going to introduce every new characte-

Ania: wow, thank you!

???: any time *the mysterious brown haired boy walks away*

Ania: Woah....

Arikasu: Ok, I'm not gonna be late again cos of your clumsiness. Let's go *grabs onto Ania's arm and drags her to class*

Class was boring, they learned about math and stuff. When lunch rolled around, Arikasu and Ania sat at their usual table eating pizza from the school lunch ladies.

???: may I join you?

The girls look up to see the boy from earlier.

Ania: o-oh, sure.

Arikasu: what even is your name?

???: oh, how rude of me. *chuckles* my name is Jurius, and you girls are? *sits down and smiles, resting his head in his hand*

Ania: o-oh, I'm Ania. He he

Arikasu: my name is Arikasu I guess

Jurius laughs.

Jurius: what beautiful names

That made Ania blush intensely and make a kawaii desu squeal noise

Derek watched from his table with a frown, he was so jealous that the milk carton he was clutching in his hands exploded.

Samilton: yo bro, calm down

Derek senpai: I can't, Jurius is totally hitting on Ania and that's my job! *he suddenly blushes and covers his mouth as he looks back at his friends*

Jonal: *shocked* bro... you actually have a crush on her?

Samilton: oh dude sorry we almost beat her up

Jonal: *sighs* but we got beat up by Arikasu instead

Derek senpai: *grumbles* oh Well, I will find a way to expose him

Samilton: *looks at jonal before looking back at Derek* but is there anything to expose him about?

Derek senpai: I'll find a way *gets up and walks away*

Jonal and Samilton look at each other before getting up and chasing after Derek.

After school, Derek waits in a bush outside of the school. His friends went home and he was waiting for Jurius.

Derek was wearing a camo body suit so he was practically invisible.

Jurius, Ania and Arikasu all walked out the school.

Ania: i-im sorry for making us late out aaaa

Arikasu: it's whatever. hey guess what. I used to have a friend who called her boobs the bald twins

Derek tuned out the conversation as he followed them, crawling under cars, hiding behind trees and catching a ride on a baby's stroller when his legs got tired. He rubbed his new bruise on his head, from an angry mother and a surprisingly firm handbag, and watched as Ania and Arikasu went their separate ways from Jurius, Arikasu announcing that she will spend the night at Anais house again.

Derek continues to follow Jurius and was halfway from moving from under a car to a tree when Jurius suddenly turned around and looked right at him.

Derek holds his breath and stared back at Jurius as the other boy's eyes narrow. Sweat pours down Derek's face as Jurius opens his mouth to speak.

Jurius: ugh, I think I'm hearing things. But I swear someone was following me

He then turns around and continues walking.

Derek sighs and continues to follow the boy. Woohoo for his camo!

Jurius walks into his home and goes up the stairs, greeting his mum on the way up.

Derek manages to find a tree right next to Jurius' bedroom window. He sits in it and watches as Jurius draws, does homework, sings along to music and play online games.

Derek was about to go home when Jurius starts to get changed.

Derek senpai: miss me with that gay shit

He is about to leave when something makes him stop and grin. He takes out his camera, he needs proof after all.

What did Derek see? What is Jurius hiding?? WILL ARIKASU EVER SLEEP AT HER OWN HOUSE?!?!


Catholic girls gone wild Lmao XD XDWhere stories live. Discover now