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I head to my last class of the day happy that school is almost over. I sit next to my good friends Michael and Sydney. We are just reading excerpts from Romeo and Juliet all class so I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep before I hear the bell that dismisses us from class. Michael is talking about some girl he wants to ask to the winter dance and Sydney is looking disappointed because it's not her. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see how much Sydney likes Michael- even though she hasn't admitted it. I grab my backpack and head to my locker to grab my clothes for practice. I'm rushing because coach said if we aren't there on time it's gonna be our ass on the bench. While fast walking to the end of the hall I completely run into someone and they sort of trip a little.

"I'm so sorry! Omg are you ok?" I say.

"Haha yeah I'm all good." He says while awkwardly stopping in the middle of the hall.

I wish I could have talked longer but I realize my drawstring is still sitting in my locker waiting for me to grab it.

"See ya!" I say while continuing my race.

For the rest of the night I couldn't get him off my mind. Those hazel eyes had me drawn in from the second I looked at him. What are you saying Payton? You have practice all the time and schoolwork too... you think you have time for a relationship? Besides I'm too ugly for him anyway. With this thought lingering in my mind I turn on my phone and go to text my friend Kayla. When I turn it on I have three texts from my dad asking how practice was and my mom pissed at me because I didn't make my bed before I left. Annoying. As I'm texting them back I pull out my review with my other hand in order to try to get a bit of studying in. I really just can't pay attention today. Those god damned hazel eyes.


not great but I'm kinda stuck and focusing on other books:)

Thank you to such a sweet comment last chapter!❤️


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