Chapter One.

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I took my mom's wallet, that day. When she dropped me off at school, I stole it from her purse. I was doing it as a joke... she would think she was robbed, I would tell her she wasn't and she wouldn't be mad at me, because she could never get mad at me. But it was more like she wasn't going to be physically able to get mad at me... ever again.

When I heard the news, I didn't cry. I thought it was a joke, honestly. It was so surreal, it had to be. It was pretty ridiculous, who has a car that decides to commit suicide? Cars aren't suppose to drive themselves off the road. They're suppose to get you places, like to a school so you can pick your kid up. That's what they were doing. They were on their way to pick me up. It's my fault.

My principal had to tell me. She just looked at her hands the entire time. I didn't stay to hear too much. After I heard that I would be my brothers responsibility, I ran home, and that's when I started crying. Noel hated me, he's hated me ever since I was born, and it wasn't hard to tell. When I got called names, or got picked on, he didn't even back me up. I usually just felt like he laughed with them. The jerks. I had one friend... no one really knew about him though. He was pretty dorky, but I was the only one who knew that side.

His name was Parker Dane. He was the jock at my school. One day, Jessica (His rat-faced girlfriend -Well, she was to me-) called me names I don't necessarily want to repeat, and instead of laughing, he stood up for me, broke up with her and drove me home. I hadn't seen him in about eight months, since it happened. He was suppose to take me home, but I saved him the trouble.

After I ran home, I packed my moms wallet, a toothbrush, most of my clothes, my phone and it's charger, and my piggy bank. I couldn't face Noel, I knew he would give me up anyway. He had just turned eighteen, why would he even care about me?

I looked around the crowded train I was riding, I had never been on one until I ran away. The first night I ran away, my brother told the police I went missing. I only knew this because my face was all over town that night. I should've realized that meant he wanted me... but I was stubborn. People definitely realized who I was every now and then, I ran before they'd turn me in. I stayed at a hotel once, under the name Julianne Grigsby. There was an interview on the disappearance of 'Stella Carr' on and I thought I'd watch it. There were at least ten people on there, talking about how they had seen me, but what surprised me most was Parker... he appeared, crying on the interview. Apparently him and my brother became really close, they're working together to find me.

Why don't I go home? you might ask. My answer? I don't know... I don't want to sleep in that house knowing they're gone, maybe? I missed the funeral... I don't know what was in there will -They made a will really early... they like to be prepared. Liked.-

"Oh my God..." I heard someone say, to the left of me. I turned to my left and lady was staring at me.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"You're Stella Carr! Stop the train! STOP THE TRAIN!" This lady had a huge, scary voice. I tensed up and tried to think of a plan. I can't go back. Not after eight months of not thinking about being Stella Carr. Someone pulled the emergency brake and before I knew it, the train stopped and I jerked foward.

Chatter rose and questions were being asked. "Why did they stop the train?", "What's happening?", "Stella who?"

"Uh, y-you've got the wrong girl." I said looking down, trying not to make eye contact. The lady jumps over to my seat and holds me. She lifts my chin and smiles.

"Who stopped the train?!" A man walked into our box and hissed.

"It's Stella! Stella Carr!" The woman yelled and I heard a lot of gasps. The man came over to me.

"Come with me." he said, his voice now calm. I feel a few tears slip down my cheek and I grab my stuff. The lady moves so I can get out of my chair, and I walk down the aisle, behind the man. I hear a few girls talking.

"OMG! I'm so totally tweeting about this! Holy crap!" I heard a girl say and I wanted to punch her in the face for many reasons, but I decided against it. We walked to the very front box and the man, who I knew now as Charlie, called someone. He reported my being found and started up the train. He showed me where I could sit, so I did.

"You'll be home soon." Charlie said and I gave him a fake smile. Don't these people realize I would be home already if I wanted?

. . .

I looked around the big room I was sitting in. It wasn't empty, there was a desk and about five bookshelves.

"I'm going to go make a call. Welcome home, Stella." Sheriff Lenner smiled at me and I genuinely smiled at him. He was my hometown's sheriff. I hadn't seen him since, well... before it happened. About five minutes later, the door sprung opened and I was being smothered in a hug. I heard crying and hugged back. I didn't realize it was Noel until I started crying too, but not because I was home, because I realized again he's the only family I've got.

"Don't ever do anything like that to me ever again." he said through sobs, and I'm not joking, sobs. "Eight months... eight fucking months!"

"I'm sorry, Noel... I didn't think you'd care." I said and he only cried harder. He stopped hugging me and just stared at me.

"You've grown up... you missed your birthday." he said and wiped his eyes.

"You got taller... I didn't think that was possible." I said looking up to Noel. He had always been a foot taller than me. I'm 5'3" and he is an easy 6'6" now.

"I didn't notice, I just couldn't stop thinking about you." he said and hugged me again. If I ever thought this would happen, I wouldn't have run away.

"Noel, can we go home?" I asked in a small voice. He nodded and put his arm over me as we walked. We got to his car and nothing about it had changed. It was still the beat up Jeep my mom got him for Christmas. My mom likes being original. Liked... I mean liked. I get into the passengers side after putting my stuff in the back and look out the window. I started to tear up.

"You never told me about Parker... he's really great." Noel said, trying not to cry. "I should call him and tell him you're back."

"Don't," I said and he looked over at me. "I'm scared he won't care."

"Stell, are you kidding me? He's been just as worried as me." he said and I looked at him.

"Why? He's just a stupid jock." I said, not looking away from the window.

"How long were you friends?" he asked me and I looked at him.

"Um, a while..."

"Well, bravo for getting a 'stupid jock' to fall in love with you." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"He isn't in love with me, shut up." I said and he kept staring at me, even though he should have been focused on the road.

"We could go visit them... together." he said and I looked at him.

"I... I don't want that." I said and pulled the sleeves on the sweatshirt I was wearing down to cover my hands. I brushed the tears off my face and hugged my knees to my chest. When we got home, to my surprise, the owner of the sweatshirt I'm wearing, Parker, was sitting on my front porch.



So, I really hope you liked the first chapter! I would love some feedback! It makes me smile. :)

I hope you have an amazing day.


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