the boy next door

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This book is being edited some of the book is edited and some of it isnt. I understand that some of the book is not good grammer wise and I will be editing some things that hapened so until I am done editing some things will not be the same. It helps more with the plot, and will help you guys understand the book more so please dont comment somthing like "This book needs editing" or "This grammer is bad" Yes I understand it is not that good this is MY first book that I write. Other than That I hope you like it, If you have any questions dont be afraid to comment.

The song is "Save your heart" By Mayday Parade.

"Okay! okay! I get it you don't have to tell me again!"

I yelled at my mom with tears threating to come out of my eyes but I refused to let them run down my rosie cheeks.She came home drunk two hours ago yelling and screaming as soon as the door flung open she called for me to come down and that's when she started screaming horrible things at me.

"You are worthless, you can't do anything! It's such a shame to have you as a daughter!" She yelled at me taking another big drink out of her glass.

"Why do u  hate me so much? huh? what did I ever do to you?" I screamed back getting tired of this routine.

I woke up to the smell of a hospital and a hand on my shoulder.

"Leana, Leana darling can I have you sit up for a moment?"

I sat up with out saying a word as she checked the back of my head for some reason, It wasnt until she lightly tapped it when I felt the pain rush into my body.This had been the 7th time I ended up in the hospital this year. It started when my dad was coming home after work one day, it was late and he had been drinking, he took a red light and a semi-truck came rushing through and hit him. He died instantly due to the impact, me and my mom were heartbroken but my mom didnt have anyone else to blame so she blamed me, and for the longest time I took it which lead up to my mom doing drugs, drinking uncontrolably, coming home at the late hours of the night and waking me up beating me and screaming horrible things.

When the doctor was finished checking my head, and I came back to reality she started asking me questions she said it was mandatory and she was trying to see if I had a concussion.

"what's your name hun?"

"Mmmh.. Leana."

"How old are you Leana?"

"Uh.. I'm 16."

"What's your middle name?"


"What school do u go to?"

"Eastland High school"

"What city and state do you live in?"

"Miami, Florida."

"Who do u live with?"

"My Mom."

"Do you remember anything that happened last night sweetie?"  She asked as she sat down on the edge of the hospital bed, looking more serisous than just a minute ago. I honestly just remembered us yelling at each other and then me waking up here..

"I remember my mom coming home and she was drunk and then she was screaming at me but then I dont remember nothing."

"Okay well currently your mom has been put custody for child abuse." She stated looking at me carefully for my reaction.

I sat there quietly knowing that one day we would have to go through this.My mom had been beating me since she was 11 my dad? he was always at work paying attention to the bruises cascading my body.

"Leana darling your dad is dead and your mom is most likely going to jail for a long time do you have anywhere you could stay Till you turn 18?Any family members you know about?"

I knew family but none of them would take me in.. So I shook my head and looked down while I played with my fingers.

She slowly nodded got up and left me alone.

I fell asleep alittle while later...I heard knocking on the hospital door I fluttered my eyes just a little to see a women who looked about 36 with long blonde hair that went to her waist she was pretty short and beautiful. She carefully walked to the seat next to my bed and sat down.

"Umm hi?"  Is the only thing that my mind could think of right now.

"Hello sweetie my name is Victoria I wanted to see how you were doing?"

"Other then the fact that I have no idea what happened I'm doing okay" I said not actually realizing my attitude..

"I- Im sorry that was rude I didnt mean to.." I said looking down my anxiety was getting the best of me.

"Well after you and your mom had been fighting and neighbor called the cops and as soon as they got there they found you on the floor bleeding from your head your mom had thrown a picture frame at you."

"Oh.." is the only word that I could think of saying even though so many thoughts were running through my head.

"Sweetie I know it's so soon since the incident but I was wondering I'd you would like to come home with me... if that's okay with you?My home is open for you."

"Um are you serious? I mean uhm? where do u live? do u have any kids? are you sure?"

"I live in L.A to be and yes I have a daughter and a son both around your age and yes dear of course"

"Uh yeah, yes that would be amazing! when?... uh when are we leaving?" The excitement was building up in my chest and all I could think was 'Finally...'

"We would be leaving tomorrow would you like to go get your things?"

"No... I don't really have anything..." There is nothing I want from that house nothing not even the memory.

"That's okay dear we will have clothes for you there"

With that she got up and left to talk to get a nurse.

The nurse came back with some papers I needed to sign and then I left.

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