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Min Yoongi imagines

Point of view:You and Suga
Theme:you and yoongi are in relationship ,and you decided to go to him because you miss him and you see him in his studio making music and because of his busyness he did not notice you and you were pissed to what he did and also you try to talk to him he said he was busy so he said "can we talk later" and you are so pissed that you're patience had disappeared and then you said "fine you always got your attetion to your music and not me since our relationship start"(but actually you support him in his music but he reached your patience  you were annoyed to what he do to you always) and suga look at you with a annoyed eyes and said "i thought you support me in my music so why are you acting that you complained it" and after you hear it you hurt and you want to cry but you didnt stop it so you drop your tears because of your emotion and then he noticed that you have a tear in your face you saw his eyes that like he regret what he said to you and feel sorry and you said "yes i support you but i didnt take this anymore" and you saw him shocked but he start staring at you with a cold face and he said "go" and you are shocked of what he said so you feel like
Your body dont want to moved and after what happened and what you heard you leave his studio and starting to cry and you see RM on his way to go to Suga's studio and RM notice you that you are crying and asked "what's the problem?,did you fight?,did you have arguements again?,what did my hyung do to you?,what? and you didnt speak just you cry and then you run to the door and open it to go outside and to leave that place.

To be continued........

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