Chapter 1

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Hyemi's P.O.V

Cats, they were good companions. You cat people know what i mean right? They're furry, snuggly, and their meows were the most innocent thing you could hear.

Cats were angels sent in a fluffy form by God, until they decide to do a Lucifer and defy Him by tearing up all your furniture and shitting all over your ornate carpets.

"Luna..." I groaned, picking the cat up from her mess on the rug.

This is Luna, she's my cat. Duh. She's what you call unlucky because of her fur color, she's a black cat. I find it saddening whenever people turn the opposite direction whenever i walk her actually, those superstitious assholes didn't deserve my baby Luna's attention anyways. It was cat racism in its purest form.

I scooped her mess up, pinching my nose the entire time, and threw it in her potty bin. Luna meowed and nuzzled her head on my leg.

I rolled my eyes and picked her up, "You're lucky I love you Lulu."

Luna meowed again, as if agreeing. I chuckled, wiping at my forehead before I caught sight of the time on my wristwatch.

Fuck I had school.

I hurriedly put on some dry shampoo- thank gods those exist-, threw a sweater and jeans on with some battered and used converse I've had since middle school, muttered a small curse when i tripped on a hair pin and grabbed some pens and pencils from the desk in my room and shoved it in my duffel bag. I checked downstairs in the kitchen, mama had already gone to work.

I sighed in relief, she would have murdered me had she known I was still here at this time.

I snatched my charging phone from its socket- 80% was about enough to get through a day- and hurriedly kissed Luna goodbye.

"See you later girl!" I waved, fumbling with my keys, Luna tauntingly meowed at me. I narrowed my eyes at her, "Behave."

I locked the door, pulling at the handle twice just to make sure, and dashed off on the sidewalk.

I passed by the crazy old lady that ran the sweets store, the boring middle aged divorced man who ate a vanilla ice cream and a slice of pizza every time I passed by his porch on the way to school, and some neighborhood police officers that were on morning patrol duties.

Only the police officers waved back, but i had a gut feeling that it was only because it was their obligation to be friendly. Otherwise, they would have ignored me too.

My thoughts dissipated as I approached my school.

It looked more like a goddamn compound than a school if I'm bring completely honest.

Complete with an indoor gymnasium, a football field, and two different education buildings. Building A was the maths and science building, built right beside the gymnasium, lectures on bioengineering, physics, chemistry, along with other sciences were held there. While Building B was the Arts and Literature building, it was near the football field. There we learned our english, History, Literature, and basic visual graphics. There was an extra wing on this building that gave a few extra classrooms for the orchestra, dancers, and debate teams.

It took me about two weeks to figure out my way through the place.

The two buildings were architecturally built to imitate sky office buildings, with glass panes as the outside and slanted pillars that balanced the roof to the steps of the entrance.

The entrance of which I was entering right now.

Although there wasn't really that strict of a dress code, I instantly regretted just throwing a lazy Saturday outfit on.

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