Chapter 5

79 7 5

Group09 chatroom

[Group09_KAO] explain yourselves

[Group09_ADR] its a long story

[Group09_KAO] really? Please do tell. We have plenty enough time.

[Group09_JAS] No its not a long story idiot. I'll tell them ffs

[Group09_JAS] We were finding loopholes in Zer0's system and we managed to find one about asking and answering personal questions and Zer0 got annoyed because we beat him. There, done.

[Group09_AUB] well don't do it again, there will be worse repercussions for all of us.

[Group09_KIM] Adrian, please. Now is not the time to mess around.

[Group09_ADR] I didn't know what would happen and I thought that we might find something that would help us all. I just wanted to help.

[Group09_KEN] oh, well thank you. But how about we just conform and play along with this whole thing before someone gets badly hurt.

[Group09_LEY] I think some people are going to get badly hurt anyway, but the number is fewer if we just go with it.

[Group09_ALE] yeah. I mean, this could be fun if we look at it the right way. It's like one of those escape rooms. I've always wanted to do one with all of the members.

[Group09_JAS] Now onto the REAL issue. Why are my clothes pink now

[Group09_MAI] Zero I need a room with Leyna

[Zer0] {Processing request...}

[Zer0] <A private chatroom has been created for MAI & LEY>

[Group09_MAI] give us a second please.

Private chat: LEY & MAI

[Group09_MAI] Leyna, neither of us live in Perth.... anywhere near Perth even. They went to the trouble of getting us all in one place.

[Group09_LEY] It crossed my mind, yeah. That begs the questions, where even are we and why us 2 as well? KCDC I can somewhat fathom why KCDC.

[Group09_MAI] I guess I can kinda see that too. But it still confuses me, why KCDC of all people.

[Group09_LEY] I don't know. But some stuff about Zer0 confuses me.

[Group09_MAI] same. I've noticed some... inconsistencies.

[Group09_LEY] Glad I wasn't the only one to notice

[Group09_MAI] oh and by the way, are you honestly ok after the whole round 1 thing.

[Group09_LEY] Yeah, I'm fine. Idk why everyone is asking XD

[Group09_LEY] Oh, and I will try bargain with Jason for your life after, you know, the pink incident.

[Group09_MAI] you may be smart, but nobody can save me now

[Group09_LEY] smart has nothing to do with this

[Group09_MAI] ?

[Group09_LEY] I am still withholding those dark and creepy facts from Jason that he wants to know. Im sure I can use them to get the attention off of you, at least for a  while.

[Group09_MAI] thank you

[Group09_LEY] no worries. Plus, I want to get on Jason's good side

[Group09_MAI] fair enough. We should get back into the main chat now, good luck with Jason!

[Group09_LEY] thanks. I may need it

Group09 chatroom

[Group09_MAI] we are back

[Group09_LEY] yep

[Group09_ALE] so, what were you talking about

[Group09_MAI] not much really

[Group09_AUB] Oh, Kenny's back as well. His consequence affected myself and Kim.

[Group09_KIM] don't worry though, it was nothing bad.

[Group09_MAI] got it. SO, is there a round 2?

[Group09_KEN] I think so

[Group09_JAS] Right, which one of you two little s**ts got me sprayed BRIGHT NEON PINK?!

[Group09_LEY] Me

[Group09_MAI] ?

[Group09_LEY] I only got a say in colour and I had to choose from pink and brown. I thought pink was the best choice.

[Group09_JAS] fine, I will let you off this time.

[Group09_LEY] oh, and as an apology sort of thing, I will private message you a list of really dark facts about killing and stuff, like we discussed earlier.

[Group09_JAS] thank you. I accept your apology mere mortal child.

[Group09_LEY] thank you?

[Group09_ALE] what the hell did I just witness?

[Group09_MAI] no no no, it's best not to question it if you want me to live.

[Group09_ALE] ahh ok.

[Group09_KIM] well, we all got through phase one unscathed for the most part.

[Group09_AUB] yeah, that's true.

[Group09_ADR] so, when will the second 'game' begin.

[Zer0] {Processing....}

[Zer0] To start phase 3, type {BEGIN2}

[Group09_MAI] BEGIN2

[Group09_KAO] BEGIN2

[Group09_AUB] BEGIN2

[Group09_ALE] BEGIN2

[Group09_LEY] BEGIN2

[Group09_JAS] BEGONE2

[Group09_KEN] BEGIN2

[Group09_ADR] BEGIN2

[Group09_KIM] BEGIN2

[Zer0] All members must type {BEGIN2}

[Group09_JAS] ffs

[Group09_JAS] BEGIN2

[Zer0] {round 2 commencing...}

[Zer0] This phases is the demi-teamwork section. This round you will work together to solve riddles. However, you can only work together for so much of it. You must all individually send me the correct answer. The twist is that you may not type the exact wording of the answer or include the answer in any message you send other than to me or there will be a consequence. You also have 3 hints, each comes at the cost of a consequence on a person of your choosing. There is no time limit for each riddle but as soon as you have sent an answer you will not be allowed to participate in the chat until everyone has answered. False answers will also have a consequence.

[Zer0] {Phase 2 commencing...}

[Group09_ALE] Let's do this

[Zer0] {Phase 2 has begun}

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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