Roomates I

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  Virgil's POV

T/W All nighter, Sleep deprivation, Skipping meals

  Early morning and look where I am. Moving in to my new apartment. Great right? Not really. It means socialising with my roommate. I don't even know his name to be honest but dam is he good looking. His hair is a golden brown and his eyes the colour of honey. He wears a red shirt and white pants with black and red sneakers.
   And here I am. Stood next to him like a rock next to a diamond. I keep my head down and walk past him into the apartment. I guess I should have a look around. The first place I walk into is an open plan living room and kitchen. To my left is a sofa and tv and on my right is all the cooking apparatus.
   I keep walking into a coridoor like area. A room on my left is the bathroom. An ordinary bathroom, nothing more. Opposite is a small room, I'm guessing mine as I agreed to have the smaller of bedrooms. I step inside and it's decorated just as I asked. Standing by the door, the wall in front of me is wallpapered with a black design with silver coloured cobwebs. The other 3 walls are painted an ombre from black going down to purple.
   Against the right wall is a simple black and grey bed. A piano sits beside the foot of it against the feature wall. On the other side of the piano is a door. It leads onto a platform outside for certain occasions. It's nothing special. Just a simple room with all the necessities such as a chest of drawers on the left wall. The best bit about it though is the electric guitar leant next to the bed and the other acoustic one beside it. I smile to myself studying the sleek black and the white intriquate designs.
   Walking back to the main room I sit on the couch and wait, unsure of what to do with myself. After a few moments the man I'm sharing this place with returns, seemingly satisfied with how his room turned out.
   I get up from my place on the couch and make for my room but he stops me before I get there.
"Hey," he says with a smile, "my name's Roman Prince. I suppose I'll be your roommate, ay?"
"Uh, yeah," I mutter quietly, darn why do I have to make this so awkward, "Uh, I'm Virgil, Virgil Black" I manage to spit out.
"Its nice to meet you Virgil. I hope we can become good friends in the future"
"Yeah, yeah me to" I almost stutter on my words- does he mean It? I sure hope he does.
"Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?" He asks. I fiddle awkwardly with my sleeves a.minute before answering.
"Well there isn't really much to know" I start, "but I love music and anything dark, I hate large crowds and loud noises and well..." I trail off.
   Just then there's a knock at the door. It must be the welcome wagon. With a brief nod to Roman I quickly escape to my room. I listen as he answers the door, I can hear a lot of people, how long will they stay? I decide to use my ear buds and listen to MCR. The relief of music floods through me and drowns out the noise of the others talking.
   After a while I hear a hesitant knock in my door. I look up as an unknown visitor walks in. He smiles at me and sits on the other end of my bed with a plate of food. He graciously offers me some but I decline and we just sit in silence for a bit. He then smiles at me again and goes back to the others- what a strange encounter.

*Time skip brought from playing the sims*

I don't know how long they stayed. It must have been 4 hours at least. All the time I just sat on my bed listening to music. Roman came to check on me once just to check I was still living probably.
   Now he's out again. The visitors left but he and Travis Scott decided to meet. I don't know where they went I'm not with them. I don't know what to think about it really. I wanted to get to know my roommate better.
   To take my mind off things I pick up my guitar and start playing. No-one can hear me so who cares? I play late into the night waiting for Roman to return because that's when I need to pretend to sleep, he doesn't need to know about these feelings.

  I didn't sleep at all last night and now I'm hit with one of my 'i feel like burying myself in a dark hole and never coming out for anyone ever again' mood swings. Roman meets me on my way out my room and starts ranting on about some crazy idea. I laugh it off with him but he seems to see that something off.
"Hey cheer up ok" he frowns.
"I'm fine Roman" I sigh. He frowns even more and puts his hands on my shoulders.
"I don't know what has you this gloomy but make sure you don't let it get to you ok?" He tells me.
"Seriously I'm fine Roman" I say to him feeling the heat rise to my face. I try a small smile and walk back into my room. What am I going to do with myself?

  I can hear them talking. Are they joking about me. Roman has Travis over and I can hear them laughing. It hurts to think of them together. Do they have feelings for one another. It's likely they do- I mean they did hug.

  So I sit in my room. Music turned up loud, stomach growling and sleep deprivation making my eyes heavy. But then I hear him leave and I have to get my answers. Sluggishly dragging my tired feet I see Roman sitting on the couch.

"What's got you so worked up now?" He looks up at me. I shrug and sit beside him.
"How was it with Travis" I ask out of politness- defientley not because I was interested.
"Why it went well thank you. He's a great guy. You should really get to know him."
"I'll pass on the socialising terms thanks" I say. He looks at me one last time before getting up and turning in for the night. Just then I get a call from one guy I barely know. He asks wether I want to go to the geek festival thing and I have to make the mistake of saying yes don't I?

   It wasn't really that bad. I had a couple of shots of alcohol. Tried my luck in some contests and went home. Anyhow I'm super tired. It must have been at least 48 hours since I last slept or ate. A light nap couldn't hurt much right?

   Wrong. I wake up feeling dazed. I don't know why and don't tell me I'm feeling hungover because I didn't drink much, not much at all, last night. I walk without seeing into the kitchen and edge my way towards the food Roman has left out. Is that why I'm here? I think I remember him calling for me. I reach for a plate and drop it almost instantly.
   I jump back and curse under my breath holding a hand to my head. I hurriedly clean up the mess on the floor apologising over and over to my roommate. Oh the embarrassment that comes with sharing an apartment. Instead of trying to get something to eat again I sit opposite Roman at the table.
"Are you alright?" He asks and if I didn't know better and say there was a hint of worry in his tone.
"M'fine," I yawn widely.
"Why don't you try some breakfast. I having seen you eat since we arrived"
"M'good" I try to muffle another yawn.
"That's a lie" he sighs putting down a plate of food in front of me. "Now eat and then you can go back to bed"
   I almost yawn again and look at him. He just meets my gaze confidently and finally I give in and force myself to eat against my will. All the time I'm giving him the evils but his confidence never wavers. When I'm done he collects my plate and washes up before returning to me. Setting one hand on my shoulder he helps me up and guides me to my room.
   I'm lucky I'm used to sleep deprivation else I would have well collapsed on my way there. He opens my door for me. Eyes flicking around the room for a minute.
"Now sleep he says" pointing at the bed. I sigh once more and settle into a comfortable position. I guess just a few more hours can't do any harm. Sleep comes quickly to me and in my drowsy half conscious state I think I hear Roman say.
"Sweet dreams Virge" I feel the heat rising to my face at the abribviation of my name. God why did I have to fall for my roommate?

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