#1 the Love begins

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"Why it's so hard?" Harry asked me.
"Maybe if you study more it woudn't be so hard!" i yelled.
"Come on Hermione don't yell at us",
Ron said.
"Whatever.." i said and leaved the Gryffindor common room.
"'Mione where are you going?" Harry asked.
I didn't anwser him, i just walked away.



I really don't understand Pansy now.
Why is she always sticking around??
"Pansy no defense, but i wanna be alone, Ok?" i said to Pansy.
"Ok", Pansy said and she leaved.
I started walking to class and sudenty i hitted myself to something or- one.
"Mudblood", i said and laughed
"Malfoy...", she said and looked me into my eyes.
She has beatyful eyes.. What am i saying?? She's a mudblood i can't like her... Can i?

Thanks for Reading this part One! I'm sorry that this is short.. I don't really have eny imagion to this now but i try to do more!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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