Im happy your here

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//: pic of Melanie on the side btw//


"Hola! Hola! Encantado de verte!" My abuela shouts from the front door, with a huge smile on her face as she sees me. "¿ cómo estás, Bonita?"

(Translation: hello! Hello! Glad to see you! How are you, beautiful?)

"Hola,bien abuela. ¿ cómo estás?" I reply making my way up the stairs and hugging her tightly.

(Translation: hello, I'm fine Grandmom . How are you?)

It been awhile since I seen my abuela and she looks even more beautiful than before. She's wearing a light pink color dress that has sleets on each side at the bottom, it stops at her knees and hugs her curves perfectly. The top of the drees has more of a heart shape where her breast are, she's wearing a little blush, mascara, eyeliner, and she has a smoky black on her eyelids. Not too much just right. My abuela is in her late 50's and she looks as though she could be in her early 40's. She has a diamond necklace on, big stud earrings, and her diamond ring placed on her left hand. She looks absolutely stunning.

I almost forget that I'm hugging her, until she squeezes me tighter than before. I guess the feelings mutual to how bad I miss her. I use to come over her house almost everyday after school, and spent the nights in the weekend. Until I got older and started doing my own thing.

"Oh Bonita. Bien, ¡ ven a neustra fiesta!" She sangs and steps back enough for me to enter the beautiful home of hers.

(Translation: oh beautiful. Join our party!)

I walk into the house, just to be breathless. The house is much bigger than I remember, probably because I came her all the time and was use to seeing it all the time when I was younger. The marble floors look as though they have been polished- which I'm quite sure they have been. The ceiling is way higher than before with little deigns on them, like she had one of the best, of the best of artist come from France and paint the cieling, with the most expensive, and elegant painting on earth, the big grand chandelier hangs from the amazing ceiling itself and shines as the lights hit the diamonds. Her entrance still has the two staircases that curve inwards leading to the upstairs, and leaving an entrance to the door ahead that leads to the dinning room, where I hear a lot of laughing and giggling and little kids running around. The railings of the staircase are grand. They are covered in gold and there's carpet leading up the stairs.

Right in the middle of the two staircases sits, an round glass table with a lovely vas of flower- Lilly's to be exact- and my younger cousin Eva, standing at the table with a huge smile. I look back at my abuela and she smiles at me and then Eva.

"We're going to have to speak English this afternoon. Someone still hasn't been practicing her spanish." My grand mom smirks at and embarrassed Eva.

I giggle at her and Eva scowls me.

"I guess I'll be leaving you two,to catch up then?" My abuela asks

I nod my head and she mirrors my reaction, walking away and disappearing into the room filled with laughter. Eva's eyes follow after her until she has no sight of her, and then she turns to face me.

"Hola." She says with a grin.

I laugh and raise my eyebrow in her direction. "You sure you wanna do spanish?" I said with a smirk,

"Shut up! I'm trying," she defends, and runs over to me with wide arms. I drop my bag to my feet and swing my arms out to catch her. Once, she's in my arms we squeeze eachother tight. She laughs and giggles as I put her down and tickle her nose.

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