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A/N(hello readers, this is not going to be long i just want to thank you all for taking the time to read my story it really means a lot to me. Thanks again)

"I think I love you" Harry says,
I know it sound weird but these words scare me no one has ever loved me or if they did they never showed or said anything about it and hearing Harry say them so naturally scares me.
I mean I have never loved someone before so I'm not really sure if I love him or not I do know that what I feel towards him is different from what I feel with my friends but that also scares me I don't know what is going on with my feelings.
I move away from Harry a little and he looks really hurt, "I understand that you don't feel the same way through" Harry says looking devastated "no Harry it's not that it's just that I have never had someone say they love me and I know this sounds completely stupid but it... scares me" I say quietly "it doesn't sound stupid Draco, it alright to be afraid of the unknown" he says wisely I chuckle "what's so funny" he asks "you sounded like Dumbledore" I answer "I guess I kinda did didn't I" he laughs.  Unfortunately that bright moment can't last forever, a few minutes later we sit in uncomfortable silence I break the silence when I say "Harry?" "Yes Draco" he replies "why?" I ask quietly "why what?" He asks confused "why would you love me I just don't understand" I say sadly "Draco why wouldn't I love you, you are smart and funny and really cute" he says softly "but I'm not perfect and you deserve someone perfect" I say "Draco name four things that make you un perfect" he says challengingly "I'm a werewolf, I self harm, I'm an emotional reck and...." I gulp I don't want to tell him this but I have to "I'm not a virgin" I say he looks shocked and I expect him to run out disgusted with me but he doesn't "I don't care about any of those things" he says quietly "but I have one question" he says "why aren't you a virgin" he asks "umm...uhhh...do I have to answer that" I ask him "yes Draco, please just answer I wont judge you I promise" I take a deep breath I haven't told anyone this except my mother and it feels so hard to speak now "I uhhh....when I was...12 my father got angry...at me and umm...he" I couldn't finish that sentence "Draco, continue" Harry says softly " he uhhh he he h e rap raped me" I finish with tears in my eyes I think harry will walk out and never talk to me again but he doesn't he sits there looking angry, "how dare he." Harry growls trough gritted teeth "He should never have done that, and to his 12 year old son" I say raising his voice a little he sees that It upsets me and moves closer to me "aren't you disgusted by me?" I ask "god no Draco why would I be disgusted with you it's not your fault your father is a fucking shit person" he says  I look up shocked most people in the wizarding world would be disgusted but Harry wasn't "oh" was all I could say  Harry just put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him we sat on the couch and I fell asleep in Harry's arms once again.

A/N( ok hope you enjoyed this part of "Secrets" I Know I said only fluff but I have a friend who is reading this and it's there birthday soon and she asked me to write some smut so one chapter will have sexual content if that bothers you I promise I will tell you what chapter it is and I will tell you when it's over so please don't stop reading there will only be one chapter on it as to not take away from the Fluffiness of the story.
Also don't forget to vote if you are enjoying the story it helps it get more noticed. Thank you)

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