Chapter Two- 6 months later

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6 months later~

        It's been 6 months since the people of Minecraftia came to be. Some players are still adjusting. Some have accepted it a long time ago. I'm the accept-it-and-move-on kind of person, so it only bothered me the first couple of months, although I still do dream about the life I left behind when I came here. Six months ago, everyone who was playing minecraft at about 6:00PM Pacific Time and about three days after recieved an important update notice and got sucked into the game.

        It was basically regular Minecraft. When you die, you lose all your stuff and sometimes even your memory.

        Naturally, the stronger soon stepped up to protect and rule over the weaker. Our blocky nation was seperated into Kingdoms. A youtube group called Team Crafted and their friends ruled one major kingdom, and a similar group Acheivement Hunters ruled another. ihasCupquake and RejectedShotgun also were royals. There were several other smaller kingdoms as well.

        Some people lived in cities or on farms. Not us. Tiff, Ricki, Mai, Aria and I lived in a ravine we had long since equipped with traps in case of invaders. We got by fairly well, with Ricki mining, Aria  supply gathering, Mai hunting, Tiff building, Me, Crystal,  defending, and Nadia just helping out. Nadia was an 8 year old girl we found when we joined the game. She was a rare case, as her memory was wiped when she joined. She knows nothing about her old-world life. We soon became very protective of her.

        One day, I was going to Budderville, TC Kingdom's capital, to trade with the merchants to get food and stuff.

        "Guys! I'm off!" I shouted as I headed out the piston doors of our cave and into the jungle.

        "Remember to get apples and pumpkins!" hollered Ricki from somewhere in one of the cave's many rooms. Her voice echoed off the stone.

        "Okay! See you!" I yelled as I left. I made my way northeast to the bustling Spawn City. I waited at the minecart station for a bit and then got a cart to Budderville. I loved riding the minecart. I always have. When I got off, I already missed the wind through my rainbow hair and cool, watery smell of the underground track.

        I left the safety of the station and stepped into the busy streets. I hastily organized my inventory and then started heading toward the marketing district. When I got there, I saw a few people i recognized, but I didn't stop to say hi. The marketplace was full to the brim and gray thunderheads were starting to gather overhead.

        I scrambled to get the pumpkins and apples that Ricki requested. I did not want to get caught in the rain. As I was walking back to the minecart station, however, it started to downpour. I couldn't possibly take the minecart now. There was a little glitch involving death and lava that happened on a certain part of the track when it rains.

        I decided to try and walk to Spawn City. It wasn't that far, it was just that taking the cart was faster and more convenient. Before I could sprint, I had to make my way down the mountain that TC Kingdom's capital was nestled on.

        On the path down the mountain, I had a sudden urge to peek over the ledgeand see what Minecraftia looked like from above. I looked and it was absolutely amazing. I could see the mountain range stretching into the distance and the light of Spawn City twinking from afar. My jungle home was an emerald green smudge on the horizon. Forgetting about the cliff, I shuffled half a step forward.

        The next thing I knew, I was grasping onto the rock with my hands and desperatly trying to get a hold with my feet. In my moment of panic, I tried to think logically. Below me was a 300 block fall to a certain death. I knew there wasn't even a 1x1 square of water I cold land in below me, only more mountain. The only thing I could do was save myself or be saved. And saving myself didn't seem like much of an option, as there were no roots or even footholds I could propel myself upwards with.

        "H-HELP!" I screamed above the roaring rain. I could feel the stone block I was holding onto shifting, about to fall. It could no longer take my weight.

        I felt a falling sensation in the pit of my stomach, and for a millisecond, I was airborne. At least, until someting caught my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2014 ⏰

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